- Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
- top 20 on team presents was 2240 power....pls
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►Twitter: / jexeex
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Sensitivity: +2.5 motion +2.5 stick
#splatoon #splatoon3 #competitivesplatoon
4:33 *teleport sound effect* SHOOP
Even though I was team money, I wasn’t too shocked when presents won. Everytime I played against them, they practically demolished us cause most of the team money players genuinely were not even trying. I came across this one team that had a 6 win streak and they absolutely wiped the floor with us 🤦🏽.
Personally, as a team presents player I have to say GG, because your team was scary for me. Experiences DID NOT deserve 2nd lmao. But still hope you enjoyed the fest 👍🏻
Team experience here, Yeah I was definitely getting a lot of presents player and completely getting destroyed by them, even when we had the upper hand they took it back somehow
Eeltail and Sturgeon tricolor maps were not defender-favored and I heard that money in pro was not good either because I heard that they have a lot of new players
Nah who was that guy you shot 18 million times and didn't die. Am I trippin?
Time stamp?
He's a hacker seriously
some sort of comm error was happening here i had connection unstable messages but i was able to move anyways
omg team presents goat
Woah you actually played opened👀‼️
One of my mains! Thank u for playing it!
i play with the alt colors if im bored
Hey I was on team presents too, and you carried the team very well, nice job
White team always freaking wins, no matter what the question is💀😭
I saw your user name and I was like Wtf , until I realized your team present 😭
I won lots of tri color turf war as presents in the last 50 battles in a single day was only 12 defeats and all the rest were victories.
I was kinda hopeless for team Experience anyways and so was Team Knight but at least Team exp was second😭
Anyways, GG.
Very nice! I also picked team presents
13:13 Now why is bro hacking I never seen that before💀
the lag was insane during that game
I swear you can make any weapon look fun to play lmao
Gg in that last match jexeex, I was the 96
We got carried🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣📣📣📣📣📣
It was the color, dont lie.
The fact (so far) every team with white ink had won
@ Exactly this, it’s defo the childish behavior.
i actually went with the question AND the white ink
@faelemonade weak.
Open what??🤨🤨 sir?
We put in the effort (i only played once when the splat fest was going on, i was really busy)
Team presents sweep!
@jexeex what do you think the springfest theme might be?
Its god combination if you use Order weapons on the present side.
funny ink colour, i see.
Didn't participate in this one too much due to college but it was fun
Well to conform I had won 7 10x battles 3 100x battles and won a 333x for team present
OPEN ME??? 😭😭😭💀
I've won 100X battle on the last day of the splatfest but I almost lost 😅
Same, players on the opposing team are locked in fs when it comes to those
People are more locked in when its a 333x battle
Oh im pretty sure I got in a mirror match w you
Freaky ahh name
Do you play with viewers sometimes?
join my discord
where is the link? Its not on your profile