IS YOUR NEWBORN EATING ENOUGH? Feeding Cues, Breastfeeding and Formula, + More

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025

Комментарии • 76

  • @AULOcanugo
    @AULOcanugo Год назад +14

    I just gave birth a week and a half ago. We are playing catch up trying to get baby back to his birth weight. I’ve been feeling discouraged because he still has not gained enough. I am so glad I clicked on this video. It has been way more helpful than any lactation consultant I have met with and really added to what my pediatrician has instructed me to do. Thank you so much! Your channel is a life saver and has given me encouragement to keep going.

  • @johannacross4347
    @johannacross4347 4 года назад +89

    When i gave birth Yesterday, i imagined you talking me through as my doula. Because of you i coped With the pain and Had a positive birth Experience. Thank you! God Bless you, you are doing so much. So i think you should Know about it :)

    • @tanyacampbell1213
      @tanyacampbell1213 4 года назад +2

      Congrats! ☺️🤍

    • @dharmadharma3960
      @dharmadharma3960 3 года назад

      That's awesome!

    • @celestinelocsin
      @celestinelocsin 2 года назад


    • @Deepa-Arsha
      @Deepa-Arsha 8 месяцев назад

      Same.. my baby came out in 6th push. 😊❤I also coped with contractions really well. Thank u❤ God bless you.❤

  • @cacosta1129
    @cacosta1129 Год назад +5

    I love your videos and truly appreciate the nature of you encouraging mamas to do things in a natural way. Do you have any recommendations for a clean formula? I have read so much on the levels of toxins in well known formulas and find it very scary how stuff like that can be on shelves to be bought.

  • @Tryingmybset
    @Tryingmybset 4 года назад +15

    You always post exactly what I need right when I need it lol. i’ve watched your videos all through my pregnancy and just had my daughter on the 18th. Perfect timing. 😂❤️

  • @ShadesofSage
    @ShadesofSage 4 года назад +9

    This is a great video! This is one of the most asked questions I get as a doula as well, and I plan to do a video soon on this topic 😊! It’s especially needful for breastfeeding feeding moms. Thanks for sharing ❤️!

  • @SRSmeditation
    @SRSmeditation 3 года назад +2

    This is really helpful videos i feel like i understand more my baby because of your videos..struggling of breast feeding but with all your videos made me more confident and less stress thank you.

  • @tiffanyriley3660
    @tiffanyriley3660 3 года назад +6

    Thank you so much for talking about the supplementing! This was SO helpful!

  • @yudithserrarigau
    @yudithserrarigau Месяц назад

    This was an incredibly helpful video, thank you for making it Bridget. It was exactly what I needed to hear and learn right now! Breastfeeding is an incredibly emotional journey for a first time momma that wants to breastfeed but is struggling with the questions you answered in this video.🎉 God bless you!

  • @twocanplay7976
    @twocanplay7976 22 дня назад

    Coming back to this video 6 days postpartum, love all of your videos Bridget!!

  • @tristinrayment9742
    @tristinrayment9742 Год назад +12

    what if my baby just wants to eat all the time, like every hour or multiple times in an hour for like 20 minutes in each side, shes a month old and gaining weight like normal

  • @carissaraeee7947
    @carissaraeee7947 4 года назад +4

    Could you possibly do a video about the golden hour? Just all the facts and benefits of bonding with baby in the very beginning of birth?

  • @truthandbeautyco
    @truthandbeautyco 2 года назад +11

    I was told by lactation consultant to pump every 2hours and pump after breastfeeding. I wasn't able to produce colostrum right after birth.
    I pump, breastfeed, and then pump again. I was told by pediatrician to feed on demand. Now, I just let my baby tell me they are hunger. I don't let my baby go pass 3-4hrs without feeding.
    My baby is a week old and drinks 2ounces

  • @kibbykibby
    @kibbykibby 4 года назад +3

    Your videos are the most informative. Thank you for everything ❤️❤️

  • @yunqingyu440
    @yunqingyu440 3 года назад +10

    Is it possible that some Moms just cannot produce enough? I have been breastfeeding from my baby birth, but it becomes more and more difficult to satisfy him. I often need to feed for an hour, but it only last one hour before he asks for milk again.

  • @Reepicheep-1
    @Reepicheep-1 Год назад +1

    Son came 2 weeks early. Too small to suckle hard enough to pull milk. Formula was a Godsend, until he's strong enough for proper nursing. Too bad about the colostrum, didn't get told to pump until it was gone.

  • @Jamessmith974
    @Jamessmith974 Год назад +1

    Moms there is a new ebook called Nourishing Nurtures. It's so amazing, I can't believe this ebook gives so much information and it's so cheap. I was scared about feeding my baby. Now I am free, this ebook helps me from when to start, how to start and also gives me recipes for my baby and meal planner for every stage.

  • @jocelyncastro204
    @jocelyncastro204 4 года назад +1

    Instead of going based on schedule and going based on cues, if they show cues how much should you give baby if you’re pumping.

  • @poojamaradimani4668
    @poojamaradimani4668 4 года назад +7

    I’ve 7 weeks old daughter.. recently she’s sticking her tongue out and back usually after feed sometimes before.. is it a hunger cue? What might be the reason for this?

  • @desiraejenks2608
    @desiraejenks2608 4 года назад +6

    My daughters a month old now. Sometimes she latches great and other times not so much. On the feedings I can't get her to latch correctly it always worries me. I also pump so thankfully I have milk to give her if she just won't latch correctly that feeding

    • @desiraejenks2608
      @desiraejenks2608 3 года назад

      @J H my lo is 8 months now. I ended up exclusively pumping milk to make sure she got it.

  • @meghnapodder6294
    @meghnapodder6294 2 года назад +2

    My baby is now 6 weeks old. During the day, he takes very little feed. I generally feed him via spoon fed bottle after pumping. During night time, he demands more. Is that normal?

  • @MRBOBBY8706
    @MRBOBBY8706 2 года назад

    Great info! Loved it! And will help me and my wife so much!

  • @akwalaura8475
    @akwalaura8475 4 года назад

    Thanks very much for this. I just discovered your channel and yes it's this niche I love and will be engaging in. It is a great Video with so much to gain. I'll probably be here daily. Thanks again

  • @mariar984
    @mariar984 2 года назад +33

    My baby is 4 weeks old it’s been really difficult to feed her, she’s incredibly sleepy so keeping her awake is a challenge. My sessions have been 30-45 minutes. Went to a lactation consultant and she said she was a bit underweight so now I’m breastfeeding then I supplement with pumped milk immediately after and then pump to empty out my breast in case she didn’t get everything. She could sleep for over 3 hours if I let her sleep so it’s hard to know if she is hungry so I just wake her every 2-3 hours, change diaper to wake her get her naked and feed her. She’s just so sleepy and never cries! I was going off her dirty diapers and so I wasn’t worried she wasn’t getting enough, and wouldn’t baby be crying if she was starving!? So confusing

    • @vianastewart469
      @vianastewart469 2 года назад +2

      Going through the same thing

    • @chikitka15
      @chikitka15 2 года назад +2

      Same here

    • @imathumb
      @imathumb 2 года назад jealous! my baby basically never slept and always cried, so equally confusing to know whether she was hungry! she started off in the 95% for size and is now under the 50%...but she's a happy chappy these days.

    • @loretta2539
      @loretta2539 2 года назад +1

      same here. my daughter just turn 3 weeks and our feedings is mostly her sleeping and me trying to keep her awake. I think she has a lip tie, when she is really hungry she wakes and cries bloody murder despite having been latched to me for an hour. But until I get her an appointment made to check if she does have a lip tie, I been supplementing her with formula and she's been taking more formula than breast milk (which is bumming me out) so hopefully she either does and we get fix or doesnt have lip tie and she is just a hungry baby who likes to cluster feed.

    • @vonsheabutler15
      @vonsheabutler15 Год назад +3

      I am experiencing this exact thing. I thought I’d be woken up with little cries in the night, but I have to set an alarm to feed because she would still be sleeping otherwise. My baby girl is only 4 days old and she has already lost 10% of her body weight. It makes me emotional. We started with the supplement milk yesterday. Praying we going up from here.

  • @ma-b6020
    @ma-b6020 4 года назад +5

    Hi, thanks for your videos.. congrats on your baby!
    What do you do with a snacker? If baby is already 3 months but still feeding every 2 hours - baby is gaining very well and has plenty of pee and poop diapers but if I try to increase the time from 2 to 3 hours between feeds he will start crying at the 2 hr mark and be fussy until he nurses... any advice?

    • @EmilyAnn634571
      @EmilyAnn634571 4 года назад +1

      Girl same!!!

    • @hebebebe139
      @hebebebe139 4 года назад +4

      Just keep feeding on demand, babies feed for more than food and frequent feeding is normal. My 5 month old still feeds every 1.5-2 houes

    • @rosem7042
      @rosem7042 4 года назад +2

      Different women have different "storage" capacities in their breasts, with the average being around 3oz between both sides at any one time, before your production equipment gets empty signals and kicks into high gear again! Feeding whenever they're hungry until they're full is all you can really do. Just practice nursing whilst laying down, and embrace the evening cluster feed.

    • @EmilyAnn634571
      @EmilyAnn634571 4 года назад +2

      @@rosem7042 I can pump 5 ounces from one side, but my 8 week old still wants to nurse every hour and a half during the day. He usually goes 3 hours at night, but he feeds off both before bedtime, won’t settle after one. Is that normal?

    • @rosem7042
      @rosem7042 4 года назад +1

      @@EmilyAnn634571 sounds pretty normal to me (congrats on the Christmas baby btw!).
      Mine is just under 9 weeks old and does something pretty similar most nights. I don't get much from an electric pump, but do regularly fill up one of my haakaa pumps just from my let down on the side she's NOT drinking from in the morning. Some women have been measured a having up to 20 oz of "storage", while others may only have 2oz so 🤷‍♀️

  • @johannacross4347
    @johannacross4347 4 года назад +5

    Oh and not Just a positive birth Experience, but also unmedicated :) when i felt like pushing i remembered you giving birth and Tried to do the Same. Was great to think that im not alone and that If you can do it i can do it

  • @ariferacho862
    @ariferacho862 3 года назад +4

    Wish I saw this before letting the nurse talk me into supplementing

  • @tiffanyriley3660
    @tiffanyriley3660 3 года назад +2

    For supplementing… when pumping after nursing, should the pumping be immediate after nursing or treated as an individual pumping session?

  • @ayobamiesther4068
    @ayobamiesther4068 3 месяца назад

    Your videos are so helpful.

  • @aprilpacholski3012
    @aprilpacholski3012 4 года назад +1

    Great information Bridget! Thank you for sharing.

  • @magdadebek7624
    @magdadebek7624 4 года назад

    Thank you ! ❤️

  • @melveevoicestudios
    @melveevoicestudios 4 года назад +1

    My little one is six months old and only eats about 24 oz in a day. She's supposed to eat 32. It worries me sometimes but she's in the 47th percentile so she's perfectly healthy

    • @Kayynicolee93
      @Kayynicolee93 2 года назад

      My baby was born at 28 weeks. His due date was yesterday(June 25) and he came home from the nicu on the 22nd. He rarely takes his whole bottle which is 2oz usually .5-1.5 oz and I have to pester him to stay awake to eat. It really worries me :/ idk what to do

  • @samicumar9501
    @samicumar9501 3 года назад +2

    I’m a ftm exclusively breastfeeding a 2 month old & yesterday I was told I should be breastfeeding around the clock as well as giving baby formula every 3 hours. This has made me very paranoid even though that sounds excessive to me personally. Has any else heard this too?

    • @yasminescobar7490
      @yasminescobar7490 3 года назад

      i have a 2 month old ive been doing this since she was born

  • @livebygodscommands7613
    @livebygodscommands7613 2 года назад +1

    There is a term "watch the baby, not the clock, breastfeed on demand"

  • @monicapagtanac6085
    @monicapagtanac6085 4 года назад +1

    My baby girl just turned 4 months a few days ago. She was born primiee and i always think she isnt eating enough when i give her the breast. I exclusively breast feed but since she was born early i had to mortified her milk i got use to giving her my milk through bottle but I do breast feed her time to time. And get concerned if im giving her to much or less.

  • @onefamilyataplaceandtime
    @onefamilyataplaceandtime 2 года назад +1

    I swear RUclips reads my mind. 😂

  • @mohamadyhaithar765
    @mohamadyhaithar765 4 года назад

    Great video!👍🏻

  • @lizcruz6405
    @lizcruz6405 3 года назад +2

    My baby is almost 3 Months firsts for about 4 weeks he was only with formula bc I didn’t have any milk but I was working hard pumping now is about a month he is only breastfeed but don’t know why he is eating less he only sucks between 5 to 10 minutes one breast then he is done falls asleep I gave him the breast milk in the bottle and he refused it he barely finished two oz is there anything different I should do? Please some advice will be appropriate it

  • @safanaqazi613
    @safanaqazi613 2 года назад +2

    How much time a baby takes to gets full? My baby is 14 days old and i m confused if she is getting satisfied or not plus she only latches on right breast bcz i have inverted nipple on left n now my left breast doesn’t produce much milk evn if i pump i get 6-7 drops only. Plz help me understand how much time i should let her latch on right breast to get her tummy full?

    • @zinguyen
      @zinguyen 2 года назад

      Generally babies need 25-35 minutes to empty a breast. How’s it going for you and your baby?

  • @charmaineespeut4627
    @charmaineespeut4627 2 года назад

    My baby is 4 days old and only pooped once. The nurse told me she did poop inside me while I was pregnant so I'm not sure if that counts.

  • @livebygodscommands7613
    @livebygodscommands7613 2 года назад +8

    I will never understand why anyone would want their newborn to have limited amounts of breastmilk and think its natural to time a feed to 10 min and pull (rip) their hungry baby off and give them a dummy (pacifier) and refuse to feed them till 2 hours have past!!!! then say their milk is no good that's why their Baby is screaming all the time!!! no your baby is hungry poor thing!!!!!! Breastfeeding on demand has always meant my children were content and slept well 99.9% of the time

    • @Dished2025
      @Dished2025 Год назад

      I agree. I also breastfeed on demand

  • @abid12001
    @abid12001 2 года назад +1

    My baby is as young as one and half month and is having greenish poop is it okay for babies that young.

  • @alexmenell260
    @alexmenell260 4 года назад +1

    I love your channel

  • @mackenzie-deltadurocher
    @mackenzie-deltadurocher 4 года назад +6

    "Hey Parents" 🥰😍 makes such a big difference for meeee!!! Thanks for the inclusion Bridget!

  • @thuliglad267
    @thuliglad267 4 года назад

    You are the best ❤️

  • @Yasmin-yr7hc
    @Yasmin-yr7hc 3 года назад

    Is it 100 ml in a feed or per feed?!

  • @celestinelocsin
    @celestinelocsin 2 года назад

    Thanks Sarah is a month old

  • @eyelovemakeup24
    @eyelovemakeup24 3 года назад +1

    I loved the switch to “hey parents” verses just “hey mamas” ❤️❤️ informative and inclusive 🙌🏾

  • @naomihoward812
    @naomihoward812 2 года назад

    Thank you for this video. My baby has colic and was exclusively breast fed for the first 3 weeks. I started introducing a really good bottle (the Minbie) for breast fed babies and pace feeding at 3.5 weeks. Now he prefers the bottle and screams so bad at the breast because the bottle nipple is slower, he doesn’t like my let down. He screams and gulps air at my breast and i can hear the air going down then he’s in pain. He’s traumatized himself at my breast and prefers the bottle. He loves to nurse the bottle and drink for like an hour on the bottle, just like he was before my milk content increased. Do you have any advice to help me help my baby master both and prefer neither? I am currently trying out a faster flow of nipple so that in a way maybe he will think “well they both flow fast, let me go ahead with the breast” I also try nursing him while at an incline with him on top instead of cradled in my arms so the flow isn’t drowning him from my breast. I’ve also tried to pump about 5 min before he nurses when my breasts are fuller. None of this has seemed to work. Any advice would be much appreciated!!!!

  • @ayeshanusrath3634
    @ayeshanusrath3634 4 года назад +3

    Hi. I am new mom. My baby is of just 20 days. She had jaundice so s per doctors I give her breast feeding and formula both. My question is now from last few days she started playing after feed. But she plays for a some 15 mins and then goes hungry and ask for feed. So is that ok to give her breast feeding like every hour 30 mins....? Please help by answering this

    • @angely9457
      @angely9457 4 года назад +1

      Sounds like cluster feeding, that’s absolutely ok. I’d speak to an LC though
      There is nothing wrong with feeding on demands

  • @robertpapalia7122
    @robertpapalia7122 3 года назад +2

    This is some b.s. my baby is just over 72 hours and just drank over 3 ounces and didn't spit up. She has been getting one to two ounces since day one and has never spit up more than a small amount

    • @libertylovesnails
      @libertylovesnails 2 года назад

      This is just an average and there can be many different factors that make your baby different in eating. My son is 7 weeks and can put down 4-5 oz every 2-3 hrs, more than average. He also weighs more than most babies his age. Also some babies have silent reflux, like mine does and won’t spit up!!

  • @BobBreeze-tr7hq
    @BobBreeze-tr7hq 3 месяца назад
