Autistic Support and Accommodations You Might Not Have Thought About

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
  • or maybe you did I don't know you
    / dana_._andersen
    / dana_._andersen

Комментарии • 22

  • @GeorgiaJournals
    @GeorgiaJournals День назад +7

    ‘Space in the routine to break the routine’ BLEW MY MIND what the heck that’s such a good idea

  • @dawudallen
    @dawudallen День назад +5

    This helps to hear. On the surface, people don't think I'm autistic because my routines don't look like what they expect. But my idea of routine is structured more like this.

  • @СашаП-л8г
    @СашаП-л8г День назад +1

    These are great! Really insightful

  • @stephenie44
    @stephenie44 День назад +2

    You’re going to be in an audiobook?! That’s COOL 😮

  • @DJ_Black_Tourmaline
    @DJ_Black_Tourmaline 22 часа назад +1

    2pm is such a transitional time

  • @TerraSleet
    @TerraSleet День назад +1

    Thought I'd share my experience of public transport as a young autistic guy. I had to use buses to travel to uni so I was doing it daily. I was pretty anxious at first so I went with a support worker the first few times. after that I got used to it fairly quickly. Putting on headphones/earbuds and looking out the window helped me a lot to tune out of the environment especially when there are rowdy passengers on board and a stranger next to me, and surprisingly I was only ever pulled into a conversation by one person for the whole 3 years of using 5 buses a week and they were pretty friendly. But I'm a pretty mid looking guy, I imagine girls get a lot more unwanted attention (though I don't recall seeing anything like that myself)

  • @helenaskew4851
    @helenaskew4851 День назад

    we are autistic for life and the accommodations are for i have a morning routine too dana🥰

  • @redfaction101
    @redfaction101 День назад

    I see you . I am you and it can hurt at times . We are together

  • @HarryYTM
    @HarryYTM День назад +1

    I depend on a bicycle as my primary transport to go to work.

    • @heyasasha
      @heyasasha День назад

      I don't know what I'd do without. A bike is never delayed, you can take it on inter city trains for longer distances and you can breeze past someone you know with a wave if you don't fancy stopping and not end up ruminating on whether you've been awkward or rude.

  • @stephenie44
    @stephenie44 23 часа назад

    I’m so desperate for routine, I feel like it would make my quality of life a lot better and things like hygiene and chores more manageable. Like if I wash up every morning, and I’m expecting it, that’s different than needing to do the washing up at some point and thinking about it all day so I don’t forget but also not having a plan to get it done, and then trying to do it while I’m also cooking and aaaaaaahhhh.

    • @DanaAndersen
      @DanaAndersen  23 часа назад +2

      Yesssss I was like bullied into initiating it, but being in the routine of having like 45 minutes in the morning where I do dishes, scoop litter, change the bin, clean anything that needs cleaning kinda thing, just makes so many things across the rest of the day much easier! It takes time to get into though, and you can start little by little when you feel up to it! Consistency isn’t key when it means you don’t start and perfection isn’t achievable anyway, so whatever you can manage is just fine 💪

  • @lindseywong9667
    @lindseywong9667 День назад

    I feel like you need aides or a person who comes to help you out often with daily living skills. Not nessarily someone who's around all the time. Probably someone to help out a few times a week. I would guess you could probably use a job coach for employment. Not someone that's there all the time but someone who comes in several times a week to assist with potential employment issues. Idk how getting that type of services work in where you live. Where I live we have regional centers that are supposed to help with getting those types of services.

    • @TerraSleet
      @TerraSleet День назад

      Social workers are the usual method of finding this type of support (adult social care) as they should have the contacts and resources to point you in the right direction. They can be hit or miss though, if your assigned social worker is unhelpful you can ask for a different one or try and refer yourself to local autism-friendly adult social care services. National Autistic Society has a directory of autism-friendly services and support groups, local councils often have general adult social care directories on their websites too. You can also call Citizens Advice and ask for help that way.

  • @UnvisibleGirl
    @UnvisibleGirl День назадвидео.html this is litrally my roomie, its a little better now but still I often have to drop everything to accommodate her life >.

  • @ckblackwoodmusic
    @ckblackwoodmusic День назад

    Just out of interest, what's with the JoJo Siwa on the wall...?

    • @DanaAndersen
      @DanaAndersen  День назад +1

      I won it as the prize for a costume at a lesbian Halloween party 😅 it’s just a memento from a nice time, not because I like her

    • @ckblackwoodmusic
      @ckblackwoodmusic День назад

      @@DanaAndersen Ah; that's fair on some level 😆 What was the costume? I must've missed the video about it if there WAS one....

    • @DanaAndersen
      @DanaAndersen  День назад

      @ckblackwoodmusic There is a video! I went as Wallace/Mr.Tusk from the movie Tusk 🤣

    • @ckblackwoodmusic
      @ckblackwoodmusic День назад

      @@DanaAndersen Wow.... I remember now. I have that thing of recalling the SECOND something is mentioned. I... think it's an autism thing? The information remains in the brain but only can be brought up at another's prompting?

  • @KarlosMorale
    @KarlosMorale День назад +5

    This was a nice video, thank you. Pls don't neglect doing the body-doubling videos if you possibly can. I know you have said that they don't get as many views and stuff but they are so helpful to me 🥲

    • @DanaAndersen
      @DanaAndersen  День назад +5

      They’ve only been neglected because I’ve been neglecting putting my clothes away 🤣 They’ll definitely be making a return as soon as my energy does!