No longer rocking the "13th century crusader" look. Edit: Jesus Christ it's a reference to her funeral roast, stop virtue signaling and learn some smosh lore before flipping out.
@@daanachmad4032 more like... very difficult to keep seriousness bc I swear if I had to act that out I would be uncomfortable too. It is a good short film though so. PSA and The violation aren't that embarrassing but they are shocking films you never expected to be out there for sure. Deleted the comment due avoid controversial arguments...
Shayne & Amanda: "So anyway that's how I met that celebrity and it was awkward. Teehee." Arasha: "So here's a little tale about the biggest shit I ever took."
I LOVE Shayne's story about how he got into acting SO MUCH because it shows the impact that one good teacher can have in your life. It's even ironic how the principal said "theater has no educational merit", when it was precisely the accessibility to theater that changed the course of Shayne's life. If that one teacher hadn't created an opportunity for art to be present in her class (IN EDUCATION) maybe Shayne would never had the access and found his love for it, not only becoming successful but a kind and smart human being doing something he loves. ART WILL ALWAYS HAVE EDUCATIONAL MERIT!
Principal - Can I measure it and then take credit for some sort of tests the kids take so that I can get more money/pad my resume? No? Then it has no educational merit. Because I don't care about what children need.
About the Teacher-impact thing, it also happened with Smosh, right? Anthony and Ian said they met and vibed because a teacher assigned them on a project.
@@MommyOfMutantsYeah, I believe Shayne experienced Markiplier syndrome--where he acknowledged he looks fantastic with longer hair, but hates having to deal with/maintain it lmao
i think is so great that after a decade of comparing himself and feeling less than, Shayne ended up working in a place where he is so loved just for being himself. we love you and what you do Shayne, we wouldn't change you for a thousand Austin Butlers :´)
I work as an EMT (emergency medical technician) and I couldn't agree more regarding telling people to not join the field. We're paid like shit, don't get any recognition, sacrifice our mental health, and get physically assaulted atleast twice a week- but god do i fucking love it. Driving lights and sirens can be fun, but the feeling of knowing you've made a difference is immeasurable. To anybody who wants to work on the boo boo bus, don't do it. And to anybody who already does, or works in a field of a similar strain, please take care of yourself. Employers always say it, but you can't pour from an empty bucket. Your mind is worth more than your job.
Thank you for all that you do! Seriously, my mom works respiratory and has talked about how all medical staff are treated like shit, but EMTs are definitely up there in the balance between unreasonable expectations and unfair pay. Corny as it is, you're a real life hero, and don't forget it 🤘
I was 17, falling in love with medicine, and working at a fast food place while wondering what I could do to get into the medical field relatively fast. I had a paramedic come in, and I asked him, "Hey, is being an EMT/para worth it?" I will never forget how he looked me dead in the eyes and said, "I've been one for 24 years. No." I'm now going to pharm tech school and, having friends who are security and EMTs, so grateful he was honest.
I love how everyone brings a different experience and perspective on how they started. Shayne from the semi-child actor angle, Arasha straight out of college having studied acting, then Amanda moving out to LA at an older age (I'm not saying 25 is old, just older than the others and older than the typical age people like to start in this industry lol).
I know this is gonna get buried under all the other comments here but I just wanted to say THANK YOU for being so candid and reassuring about your feelings of failure in a creative field, and overcoming them by focusing more on the present. I’m getting ready to move across the country, knowing nobody on the West Coast, for film music composition; this helped alleviate a lot of my anxiety about the unknown in the future. Thank you so much Shayne, Amanda, and Arasha 🥹
somebody already said journey so good luck on your adventure! one of my best friends, if not my top best friend who I pick music apart with recently told me I should be a music producer 😭 that compliment and suggestion heals the inner child in me because I write poetry and hear the music I'd like it to be to, and I listen to music daily, and share my thoughts and pick songs apart all the time, even bands that have showed wild changes from album to album, from the lyrics to the instrumentals to all of the possible interpretations and they're like "dude, love to the west coast and pursue some career producing music" if I did something like this it would be a huge change because I have so many bills and I'm 29 and have less than $3 in my bank account😂 but if I had the money and knew people I 100% would. the risk outweighs the benefit unfortunately but maybe someday
Arasha's so funny and the best thing to happen to Smosh in a while. The first thing I ever saw of her was the elaborate Marvel movie prank and immediately she was my girl. Then I saw her slap Anthony and immediately she was my girl. I love this woman's energy
Shayne, I started following smosh because I recognized you from tv. I’d recognize you way before I’d recognize Austin lol. I’m sorry RUclips doesn’t pay as well, but I think you’ve made a big impression on our generation through just supporting roles alone. Hope you get the chance to star in something if that’s your dream, I’d imagine it would be awesome!
Shayne will come in one day with the peaky blinders haircut and a flat cap 😂 I would love to hear him attempt a Brummie accent I bet out of all the cast he could do it the most accurately. Ok now I’m picturing a brummie Shayne character
I almost stopped breathing from laughter when I saw the end of your comment, I will never stop laughing maniacally at that one, it had me from the moment I first saw it and I’ve been laughing about it ever since 😂😂😂.
That's so crazy that Arasha was a stand-in for Spirited (still not entirely sure what that entails, not in the industry haha) bc while I was watching that movie I was stunned at how similar the Ghost of Christmas Present looked like Arasha. I was like, there's no way she'd go from a Ryan Reynolds movie to smosh?? 😂
Too funny about Ryan Reynolds but it is kinda cool that he made an effort to make sure he talked to everyone if he didn't remember them still. So much better than the aloof people who act like they can't be bothered
On the topic of acting jobs, I just watched Dear Lemon Lima for the first time. It was so good! And Shayne was so good in it. To be honest, I think it would have been better as a mini series. Give it some time
As someone who has shaved her head and loves doing it, the love for it in this podcast makes me SO happy. I always feel like my shaved head makes me feel more powerful and badass than any other change to my appearance.
lol I love how Arasha said "at any other job in any other industry everything is all listed and clear at the beginning" me coming from a graphic/fashion industry like...I wish lol!
The fact that someone as uncultured as the principal at Shayne's elementary is even allowed to be making decisions about education is so deeply messed up 😬 absolutely a book burner of a guy, unsurprising for america sadly
@@codynoth4183 Considering it can get students who aren’t as academically gifted more involved in school, and that plays based around actual historical events/classic literature can help teach you about those things, I disagree
I always say that people who pursue the arts don't do it thinking that they're going to be the most financial successful, we do it because we it's engrained into our very souls. This episode is very important to me, as a stage performer. Thank you for sharing your stories and journeys; a lot of people truly do not understand these industries
Shayne, if you ever think you haven’t made it remember you get around a million views on average for the reading, analysing and joking about reddit stories stuff alone which is similar to Jimmy Fallon’s viewing numbers and that’s not obviously including everything else that you do and get a tonne of views for. I’d also add that what you do in general is a lot more helpful because in podcasts you model vulnerability and healthy masculinity/emotionality for people to face their challenges but also offer humour that allows a certain level of escapism from people’s problems to give them a break from them. A lot of people couldn’t have gotten through the pandemic without you and your authenticity and brave absurd humour and I can’t say that for some of the very artificial stuff out there.
I shaved my head when I was 19 and have kept it short since. I personally think that women should shave their head at least once in their life because of how liberating it is. I know that not everyone is going to but if you’re ever debating it, do it. Every woman I’ve known whose done it, even if they’ve grown it out, said they loved how it felt.
the conversation about "failing ur career at 18" hit a nerve with me. i learned the other day that sam raimi was 20 when he directed the evil dead. i'm almost 20 now. thinking about that *still* upsets me a little, but i also realize i still have *so* much time to achieve the things i want to.
OMFG. The last three minutes... I got the hiccups from ugly laughing so hard. "You need to call MULTIPLE services"... "I was fighting for my life...". Bro. I look like I've been crying.
hugh fan smouth crew, was craving some Rasha insights and just hearing her speak is awesome. She mad talented and funny af and she genuinely is going places. All of u deserve so much more recognition and spotlighting
I didn't realise I missed Arasha a lot, haven't seen her in many videos lately. I loved this podcast, I laughed so much and it was so interesting getting to know all of you better and hearing about the start of your careers. I wish the episode was longer or maybe you could do a part two because I would love to hear more about Arasha. I felt like she was very respectful towards you guys, but she was often cut off when she was telling her stories so I would love to hear more from her. Thanks a lot for this episode, my cheeks hurt from smiling and laughing so much 😊😅
I would watch a full series on SmoshCast about cast (and maybe some crew/guests) talking about being actors/working in the mainstream entertainment industry. It's fascinating and super insightful.
"What if everyone at Smosh wore a white T-shirt and blue jeans." That was my school uniform from ages 5-9 so now I'm just picturing Smosh Babies but the current cast in 3rd grade.
The long hair with the voluminous sidepart looks so good on Amanda 16:15 Im for sure Team "Long Hair" myself, could not imagine myself any other way - I just love that wavey, seasalt Siren by the beach look.
had to shave my head after a month of chemo because my hair was falling out in chunks. I asked a family member to do it and they wouldn't, so one night I was home alone and I did it myself and just wept while doing it. hair is such a big part of our picture of ourselves and our identities, that having it be gone was overwhelming.
There's nothing like passively listening to this at work and whipping my head around so quick to look at the video at the mention of San Antonio, especially as another industry creative working in the Austin area. This was such a fun and insightful episode!
As a classical musician taking auditions for major symphonies and trying to do gig work, this whole episode resonated with me so deeply. The fear of trying for something big, the difficulty of just getting a foot in the door in the first place, and the expense of just getting somewhere that has auditions and having to pay for them and the trip and the audition just to get a "Thanks" after a minute is all stuff that happens in the music world too. Everybody's just hoping for that bit of luck they're talking about to work at the same time as all of the practice that has to happen behind the scenes. It's a crazy system and honestly a shame that so much relies on factors that are completely out of your control.
Amanda's new hair is so freaking gorgeous and I'm here for it. I'm loving it. Also, I love all of your individual styles and I think bold colours really suit Amanda. But if you really want to wear only white t-shirts that's cool too. Do what you want and dress what makes you comfortable 😊
I LOVE when ladies shave their hair. I have an odd relationship with my hair in that when I have bad mental health episodes… I cut it off (oops). But! The last time I had a bad day and shaved my head, I turned around and dyed the fuzz bright orange and went for an Annie Lennox look. It was a little hard to style with my wardrobe lol, but it was actually really fun to have. Bold, exciting, eurythmics.
this podcast had some of the deepest topics yet- even if you are not an actor, their convo relates to all people within the creative field, especially when it comes to comparison, self worth, "limited time", and the pressure to succeed. i'm going into school for illustration and all of their experiences resonated so strongly with me. this episode healed me lowkey haha
I really wonder if they kept it super vague bc they knew there was no way they’d get a person of color if they were upfront. So shady dude, not at ALL arasha’s fault!!
I know it was a fleeting thing, but thank you for mentioning how teaching is a profession you have to love because it’s not a career if you’re in it for the money (and I’m seconding all of as a teacher myself). Having that as a comparison to how the career of acting is really puts it into perspective for those who think these careers are so much more lucrative than they actually are.
I’m 26, currently a full time teacher, but also act in my community. I have been in shows back to back since august which is SUCH a blessing but it has absolutely burnt me out. Being 26, I’m also worried I’m getting too old, and by the time I begin applying for an acting grad program, I’ll be 27/28 and I’m terrified that I’ll be too old. I so appreciate listening to other actors talk about the industry and their own insecurities and the things that they’ve gone through. It’s a hard job and career to be in, it’s ridiculous. Listening to Amanda talk about finding other things she loves to do makes me feel so much better though about pursuing other things besides acting, it makes me feel like I’m less behind. Thank you guys for having this honest conversation, we love you guys.
i love when you guys repeat outfits! it makes me think of previous videos you've shot in them and it makes me carry the fun i had with those to the new one
I honestly love the stories of how y’all became actors because as someone who started acting my freshman year of high school. Theatre was one of those communities where I could be real and honest with people and also myself. Thank y’all so much for being real in your experiences because we all respect y’all what the three of you do at Smosh.
49:42 I needed this video so much right now. I’m in college & I want to make music, & I’m constantly struggling with feeling like I’m not doing something right because my idols did something differently. Thank you Amanda, Arasha, Shayne, & Smosh for putting this out here & supporting artists. So much love🫶💖✨
i would just like to say- i think its funny how everytime i listen to music and then come back here and have to type in the words smosh mouth in the search bar, Smash Mouth is the first thing that pops up and ive never seen *anybody* bring that up, but thats funny as *hell* to me right now 😂😂😂
Arasha met Ryan Reynolds! One step closer to being in a Marvel movie!! ‼️
Surely he remembers her by now.
we'll see her on the marvel red carpet soon 🤞
I heard she's Hugh Jackman's stand-in in Deadpool 3
Maybe he didn't recognize her because he has that thing where you can't recognize faces. But Arasha is a pretty unique name.
It would be great to see her in Deadpool 3
No longer rocking the "13th century crusader" look.
Edit: Jesus Christ it's a reference to her funeral roast, stop virtue signaling and learn some smosh lore before flipping out.
So much love to Amanda but this just shows the bangs were not it
@@mrpandamaniayes without bangs she is even more gorgeous 😭
She looked funnier w the bangs and more unique tho. But this is also a Look(tm)
she's embracing the 'mom' of smosh role. this hairstyle gives a young mom from the 90s vibes.
if it’s about embarrassing acting jobs, then Shayne should def mention his kidnapping PSA thing with Larry King lol
they already did on episode 11
@@nydavis3109love that one
@@nydavis3109 Why is Violation embarassing for him? Is it the pillow scene?
@@nydavis3109oh wow yk i can't say that i have gained much from having watched that
@@daanachmad4032 more like... very difficult to keep seriousness bc I swear if I had to act that out I would be uncomfortable too. It is a good short film though so. PSA and The violation aren't that embarrassing but they are shocking films you never expected to be out there for sure. Deleted the comment due avoid controversial arguments...
"White tee, jeans and a mohawk" Shayne gonna be looking like every boy toddler 😆
now imagine this look as his role in iCarly
I mean, he's always given jacked-toddler, so it would fit.
@@sethdavidhanson6589 that is hilarious omg
*white boy toddler lol
@@sethdavidhanson6589we should start spamming „Shayne looks like a jacked toddler” under videos so one of these comments ends up in smosh pit theater
Not Shayne wearing the exact outfit Jackie wore to impersonate him on Let’s Do This
Shayne & Amanda: "So anyway that's how I met that celebrity and it was awkward. Teehee."
Arasha: "So here's a little tale about the biggest shit I ever took."
Arasha being the realest in the room
Honestly we all have a legendary poop story and only the bravest of us will tell the tale
If everyone dresses in Shayne's signature outfit then no one has to worry about being pulled over hahha
Such a callback!! Miss Jackie sm 😢
Shane was dressed in the exact outfit he's wearing in this video as well😂
Jackie reference?
@@sagegreeeeeeen; from How to Beat a Speeding Ticket | Let’s Do This! (13:33’s when Jackie starts her part.)
He'd still get pulled over for cuffing his jeans. Lmao
I LOVE Shayne's story about how he got into acting SO MUCH because it shows the impact that one good teacher can have in your life. It's even ironic how the principal said "theater has no educational merit", when it was precisely the accessibility to theater that changed the course of Shayne's life. If that one teacher hadn't created an opportunity for art to be present in her class (IN EDUCATION) maybe Shayne would never had the access and found his love for it, not only becoming successful but a kind and smart human being doing something he loves. ART WILL ALWAYS HAVE EDUCATIONAL MERIT!
say it louder! ART WILL ALWAYS HAVE EDUCATIONAL MERIT!!!! I will scream this until the day I die
Principal - Can I measure it and then take credit for some sort of tests the kids take so that I can get more money/pad my resume? No? Then it has no educational merit. Because I don't care about what children need.
About the Teacher-impact thing, it also happened with Smosh, right? Anthony and Ian said they met and vibed because a teacher assigned them on a project.
@@marxvargas7697 oh you're right I didn't even think about that, teachers deserve the world!
Shayne talking about not repeating outfits while wearing the exact outfit that Jackie wore to get out of a speeding ticket
Embarrassing? Acting? Yes!
My thoughts exactly
Mexican SalSa yes
@@Doctorstrang3beat me to it
Embarrasing? Acting? Salsa, yes!
Mexican acting yes
This is the most ON the rails podcast and that's because Arasha is paying attention and keeps bringing Shamanda back on track lol
Arasha is the conductor
Arasha: "I would do a lot for money"
Spitball listeners: "We know"
LMAOOOOOO i don't get it
@@syra1541 Spitball is Arasha and her bff's podcast, you can find it in youtube too
Im a bit sad that Amanda no longer looks like a medieval crusader.
I think she actually really pulled off that look, but her hair is gorgeous now too of course
@@TM.BECK14me too I loved her micro bangs😭
oh my god what a description 😂
@@Scrofar Tbf, Shayne said it first.
Arasha is so funny😂 "I would do a lot for money" killed me
more than 'Where's the bathroom, your girl's full?'
@@clarkcampbell6890 I didn't watch that part when I commented😂
You know now that Ryan Reynolds’ Deadpool is in the MCU, Arasha has a shot at booking Marvel, assuming he remembers her name of course
Because the MCU has been offering such bangers lately right?
@@codynoth4183Loki my guy. Holding it all together with his glorious purpose.
But seriously I think the stuff coming out after this point is hopeful
@@codynoth4183Well, IMO GOTG3 was awesome and so was Loki kinda
I feel like Shayne could really pull off the 90s heartthrob haircut, grow out the flowy middle part on top with short sides
I’m pretty sure he’s had that hair before - and it was great 😊
@@MommyOfMutantsYeah, I believe Shayne experienced Markiplier syndrome--where he acknowledged he looks fantastic with longer hair, but hates having to deal with/maintain it lmao
is that what Tommy's haircut is?
The mullet-mohawk is not cool lol
@@aavi. Not at all
i think is so great that after a decade of comparing himself and feeling less than, Shayne ended up working in a place where he is so loved just for being himself. we love you and what you do Shayne, we wouldn't change you for a thousand Austin Butlers :´)
I work as an EMT (emergency medical technician) and I couldn't agree more regarding telling people to not join the field. We're paid like shit, don't get any recognition, sacrifice our mental health, and get physically assaulted atleast twice a week- but god do i fucking love it. Driving lights and sirens can be fun, but the feeling of knowing you've made a difference is immeasurable.
To anybody who wants to work on the boo boo bus, don't do it. And to anybody who already does, or works in a field of a similar strain, please take care of yourself. Employers always say it, but you can't pour from an empty bucket. Your mind is worth more than your job.
Thank you for all that you do! Seriously, my mom works respiratory and has talked about how all medical staff are treated like shit, but EMTs are definitely up there in the balance between unreasonable expectations and unfair pay. Corny as it is, you're a real life hero, and don't forget it 🤘
And if after reading this you still want to do it- you're the right person for the job
I was 17, falling in love with medicine, and working at a fast food place while wondering what I could do to get into the medical field relatively fast. I had a paramedic come in, and I asked him, "Hey, is being an EMT/para worth it?" I will never forget how he looked me dead in the eyes and said, "I've been one for 24 years. No." I'm now going to pharm tech school and, having friends who are security and EMTs, so grateful he was honest.
Amanda looks like a mom out of a 90;s movie and i want to cry she's so pretty i love her sm
While I agree on both accounts I do not think it’s hilarious that she can’t escape the mom comments
arasha's "you don't have to qualify to live" is something that will stick with me for so long, I needed to hear those words and I didn't even know
I love how everyone brings a different experience and perspective on how they started. Shayne from the semi-child actor angle, Arasha straight out of college having studied acting, then Amanda moving out to LA at an older age (I'm not saying 25 is old, just older than the others and older than the typical age people like to start in this industry lol).
Amanda: I embarrassed myself thinking an actor was someone else
Shayne: I was in an audition with some other celebrities
Her thought process is different haha but still love her
Someone put arasha in a marvel movie PLEEEEEEEEASE
Arasha is one of the coolest people. She's such a great part of the cast.
1:16:09 Arasha: Why do they call it the restroom? I'm fighting for my f--king life
Arasha on the pod? This episode is gonna slap!
I understood that reference
On the pod and the pot!
😂 😏
I know Kimmy is more behind the scenes these days but it would be so nice to see her on the pod in the future 🥺
And I would also like to see Kiana on the podcast
@@Nhlosenhle-l2jcrew needs more inclusion!!
She’s the best ❤
we would like to see more of the crew in the podcast❤❤
I know this is gonna get buried under all the other comments here but I just wanted to say THANK YOU for being so candid and reassuring about your feelings of failure in a creative field, and overcoming them by focusing more on the present. I’m getting ready to move across the country, knowing nobody on the West Coast, for film music composition; this helped alleviate a lot of my anxiety about the unknown in the future. Thank you so much Shayne, Amanda, and Arasha 🥹
Good luck on your journey! ✨
somebody already said journey so good luck on your adventure! one of my best friends, if not my top best friend who I pick music apart with recently told me I should be a music producer 😭 that compliment and suggestion heals the inner child in me because I write poetry and hear the music I'd like it to be to, and I listen to music daily, and share my thoughts and pick songs apart all the time, even bands that have showed wild changes from album to album, from the lyrics to the instrumentals to all of the possible interpretations and they're like "dude, love to the west coast and pursue some career producing music" if I did something like this it would be a huge change because I have so many bills and I'm 29 and have less than $3 in my bank account😂 but if I had the money and knew people I 100% would. the risk outweighs the benefit unfortunately but maybe someday
2 Arasha featured podcasts in one day, I’m loving this!!
What's the other one, if I may ask?
@@superby1they might be talking about her own podcast, “spitball” that she has with her friend rowan
@@lovingmari oh cool! I'll have to check that out. Thank you so much!
I wasn’t a big fan of her at first but she’s a queen fr.
I love that these podcasts release the same day. So much content for my earholes
1:15:53 “where’s the bathroom? Your girl’s full” Arasha took me OUT with that line 😂
Arasha's so funny and the best thing to happen to Smosh in a while. The first thing I ever saw of her was the elaborate Marvel movie prank and immediately she was my girl. Then I saw her slap Anthony and immediately she was my girl. I love this woman's energy
Shayne, I started following smosh because I recognized you from tv. I’d recognize you way before I’d recognize Austin lol. I’m sorry RUclips doesn’t pay as well, but I think you’ve made a big impression on our generation through just supporting roles alone. Hope you get the chance to star in something if that’s your dream, I’d imagine it would be awesome!
omg it would mean so much to him if he sees this comment❤
i love watching arasha listen to ppl talk ?? like shes so attentive and tuned in
Honestly I just love watching Arasha. She gives me a reason to watch Smosh like Boze did when she was here
@@zyaicob omg truly. her and boze are rlly different but i get what you mean. like they both bring such a unique energy to the cast
She’s very engaged and engaging!
Shayne will come in one day with the peaky blinders haircut and a flat cap 😂 I would love to hear him attempt a Brummie accent I bet out of all the cast he could do it the most accurately. Ok now I’m picturing a brummie Shayne character
It would just end up like his Beatle Brawn character 😂
1:09:48 - there’s two possible reasons for why he was so nice, either he’s just a chill guy or he thought you were going to try to kill him 😂
"Bikinis only. Weed? Yes!" is the new Mexican. Salsa. Yes!
Actually I think it might just be "Hey. Poop."
I almost stopped breathing from laughter when I saw the end of your comment, I will never stop laughing maniacally at that one, it had me from the moment I first saw it and I’ve been laughing about it ever since 😂😂😂.
That's so crazy that Arasha was a stand-in for Spirited (still not entirely sure what that entails, not in the industry haha) bc while I was watching that movie I was stunned at how similar the Ghost of Christmas Present looked like Arasha. I was like, there's no way she'd go from a Ryan Reynolds movie to smosh?? 😂
A stand-in substitutes for the actor before filming, for technical purposes such as lighting and camera setup.
Amanda!!! Take this as your sign that you’re a side part girlie.✨
That look is so gorgeous on you! 🤍
Too funny about Ryan Reynolds but it is kinda cool that he made an effort to make sure he talked to everyone if he didn't remember them still. So much better than the aloof people who act like they can't be bothered
50:26 Shayne’s hair is cracking me up!! This is one of my favorite episodes so far. It’s really interesting. I want a whole episode of jaw drops!!
Ok but I'd love to see Shayne GROW OUT his hair again, pleaseeee bring that back!! 😭😭🙏🏻
And his beard 😭
He's even said he wanted to grow it out again!
AMANDA OH MY GODDDDD her hair looks soooo good!!!
9:38-9:47 Arasha perfectly captured the modern Texan attitude 😂😂 "Whats wrong with Texas?!" " there's a lot wrong with Texas 😐"
On the topic of acting jobs, I just watched Dear Lemon Lima for the first time. It was so good! And Shayne was so good in it. To be honest, I think it would have been better as a mini series. Give it some time
where did u watch it? ive been wanting to watch it for a while
Google says it's on Prime Video
@@chachasrirachait’s available for free on RUclips
you can pirate it prett easily or u can buy it if u can afford @@chachasriracha
As someone who has shaved her head and loves doing it, the love for it in this podcast makes me SO happy. I always feel like my shaved head makes me feel more powerful and badass than any other change to my appearance.
lol I love how Arasha said "at any other job in any other industry everything is all listed and clear at the beginning" me coming from a graphic/fashion industry like...I wish lol!
The fact that someone as uncultured as the principal at Shayne's elementary is even allowed to be making decisions about education is so deeply messed up 😬 absolutely a book burner of a guy, unsurprising for america sadly
Theater has no educational merit. I bet you're one of those people who still believes Bill Nye is actually a scientist, aren't you?
@@codynoth4183 Considering it can get students who aren’t as academically gifted more involved in school, and that plays based around actual historical events/classic literature can help teach you about those things, I disagree
@@codynoth4183also what a patronizing comment
“I also would do a lot for money” she’s so real for that
I always say that people who pursue the arts don't do it thinking that they're going to be the most financial successful, we do it because we it's engrained into our very souls. This episode is very important to me, as a stage performer. Thank you for sharing your stories and journeys; a lot of people truly do not understand these industries
Shayne, if you ever think you haven’t made it remember you get around a million views on average for the reading, analysing and joking about reddit stories stuff alone which is similar to Jimmy Fallon’s viewing numbers and that’s not obviously including everything else that you do and get a tonne of views for. I’d also add that what you do in general is a lot more helpful because in podcasts you model vulnerability and healthy masculinity/emotionality for people to face their challenges but also offer humour that allows a certain level of escapism from people’s problems to give them a break from them. A lot of people couldn’t have gotten through the pandemic without you and your authenticity and brave absurd humour and I can’t say that for some of the very artificial stuff out there.
Y’all make my Monday’s every week :) also happy to see Arasha on the show!
I shaved my head when I was 19 and have kept it short since. I personally think that women should shave their head at least once in their life because of how liberating it is. I know that not everyone is going to but if you’re ever debating it, do it. Every woman I’ve known whose done it, even if they’ve grown it out, said they loved how it felt.
I think it would be great if they had every cast member on here to talk about their embarrassing acting jobs.
the conversation about "failing ur career at 18" hit a nerve with me. i learned the other day that sam raimi was 20 when he directed the evil dead. i'm almost 20 now. thinking about that *still* upsets me a little, but i also realize i still have *so* much time to achieve the things i want to.
I forgot about this until I saw a smosh in ads compilation, that was so crazy to see!
OMFG. The last three minutes... I got the hiccups from ugly laughing so hard. "You need to call MULTIPLE services"... "I was fighting for my life...". Bro. I look like I've been crying.
I love how Shayne’s like “Amanda already knows this” that’s true friendship!
hugh fan smouth crew, was craving some Rasha insights and just hearing her speak is awesome. She mad talented and funny af and she genuinely is going places. All of u deserve so much more recognition and spotlighting
1:12:49 Arasha immediately backpedaling after saying “not yet” killed me
Arasha’s poop story killed me… been there, IBS baby😂😂😂
I didn't realise I missed Arasha a lot, haven't seen her in many videos lately. I loved this podcast, I laughed so much and it was so interesting getting to know all of you better and hearing about the start of your careers. I wish the episode was longer or maybe you could do a part two because I would love to hear more about Arasha. I felt like she was very respectful towards you guys, but she was often cut off when she was telling her stories so I would love to hear more from her. Thanks a lot for this episode, my cheeks hurt from smiling and laughing so much 😊😅
I would watch a full series on SmoshCast about cast (and maybe some crew/guests) talking about being actors/working in the mainstream entertainment industry. It's fascinating and super insightful.
"What if everyone at Smosh wore a white T-shirt and blue jeans."
That was my school uniform from ages 5-9 so now I'm just picturing Smosh Babies but the current cast in 3rd grade.
Arasha is so adorable in this episode!
Amanda's hair is definitely on point 🔥
Hey put it this way, I’m in my 30s and I have no idea who Austin Butler is, but Shayne Topp has made me laugh a hundred times over.
you remembered Austin's name quite well. For someone whose existence you had no idea about
WTH Shayne and Amanda look SOOOO good on that ad read/ sponsor segment. Yoooo! ❤❤❤
The long hair with the voluminous sidepart looks so good on Amanda 16:15 Im for sure Team "Long Hair" myself, could not imagine myself any other way - I just love that wavey, seasalt Siren by the beach look.
Shayne's hair at 50:26 PLEASE 😭😂
had to shave my head after a month of chemo because my hair was falling out in chunks. I asked a family member to do it and they wouldn't, so one night I was home alone and I did it myself and just wept while doing it. hair is such a big part of our picture of ourselves and our identities, that having it be gone was overwhelming.
Hope you're staying happy and healthy out there o7
There's nothing like passively listening to this at work and whipping my head around so quick to look at the video at the mention of San Antonio, especially as another industry creative working in the Austin area. This was such a fun and insightful episode!
As a classical musician taking auditions for major symphonies and trying to do gig work, this whole episode resonated with me so deeply. The fear of trying for something big, the difficulty of just getting a foot in the door in the first place, and the expense of just getting somewhere that has auditions and having to pay for them and the trip and the audition just to get a "Thanks" after a minute is all stuff that happens in the music world too. Everybody's just hoping for that bit of luck they're talking about to work at the same time as all of the practice that has to happen behind the scenes. It's a crazy system and honestly a shame that so much relies on factors that are completely out of your control.
Really enjoyed this episode and the small look it provided into the lives of actors! Please have Arasha on again to continue this conversation!
Amanda's bartending story at the end had me LOSING IT 😭😭 Oh my god that would be so embarrassing, poor Amanda
i like shayne’s view of “your life if going to be so unique it’s going to be scary” i think i needed that a bit
Amanda's new hair is so freaking gorgeous and I'm here for it. I'm loving it. Also, I love all of your individual styles and I think bold colours really suit Amanda. But if you really want to wear only white t-shirts that's cool too. Do what you want and dress what makes you comfortable 😊
I LOVE when ladies shave their hair. I have an odd relationship with my hair in that when I have bad mental health episodes… I cut it off (oops). But! The last time I had a bad day and shaved my head, I turned around and dyed the fuzz bright orange and went for an Annie Lennox look. It was a little hard to style with my wardrobe lol, but it was actually really fun to have. Bold, exciting, eurythmics.
this podcast had some of the deepest topics yet- even if you are not an actor, their convo relates to all people within the creative field, especially when it comes to comparison, self worth, "limited time", and the pressure to succeed. i'm going into school for illustration and all of their experiences resonated so strongly with me. this episode healed me lowkey haha
i binge these even when i’ve watched them all and i love smosh mouth i listen to it online and watch it aswell
me too! i watch the video as soon as it airs and then listen on spotify when im commuting :) i love smosh mouth so much
Wait, Arasha's poop story makes the "Bluetooth Speaker Ruins Date" have an extra layer. I don't know of what, but it does.
I love when arasha talks, like in the smoshcast or in the reddit stories
I love spirited no way!!
New Arasha lore just dropped
I really wonder if they kept it super vague bc they knew there was no way they’d get a person of color if they were upfront. So shady dude, not at ALL arasha’s fault!!
I know it was a fleeting thing, but thank you for mentioning how teaching is a profession you have to love because it’s not a career if you’re in it for the money (and I’m seconding all of as a teacher myself). Having that as a comparison to how the career of acting is really puts it into perspective for those who think these careers are so much more lucrative than they actually are.
Are you telling me Amanda is 37? There’s NO WAY
"Wheres the bathroom, your girl's full" 🤣
I know she kind of wants to shave it, but Amanda's hair in this video is the best I've ever seen it!! Like, AMAZINGLY GORGEOUS!
I’m 26, currently a full time teacher, but also act in my community. I have been in shows back to back since august which is SUCH a blessing but it has absolutely burnt me out. Being 26, I’m also worried I’m getting too old, and by the time I begin applying for an acting grad program, I’ll be 27/28 and I’m terrified that I’ll be too old. I so appreciate listening to other actors talk about the industry and their own insecurities and the things that they’ve gone through. It’s a hard job and career to be in, it’s ridiculous. Listening to Amanda talk about finding other things she loves to do makes me feel so much better though about pursuing other things besides acting, it makes me feel like I’m less behind. Thank you guys for having this honest conversation, we love you guys.
i love when you guys repeat outfits! it makes me think of previous videos you've shot in them and it makes me carry the fun i had with those to the new one
I honestly love the stories of how y’all became actors because as someone who started acting my freshman year of high school. Theatre was one of those communities where I could be real and honest with people and also myself. Thank y’all so much for being real in your experiences because we all respect y’all what the three of you do at Smosh.
YAAAAYYY! My favorite day has arrived! 😍 Weekly Smosh Mouth & Reddit Stories are helping my mental health SO much! Thank you all, love you guys!! ❤❤❤
49:42 I needed this video so much right now. I’m in college & I want to make music, & I’m constantly struggling with feeling like I’m not doing something right because my idols did something differently. Thank you Amanda, Arasha, Shayne, & Smosh for putting this out here & supporting artists. So much love🫶💖✨
I finally understand where Shayne's hair inspo came from 😂
Amanda’s hair was GIVING! she looks so good!
Loved this episode. Learned so much and it’s great getting to know Amanda and Arasha’s acting journeys better!
pleeease have more episodes like this! as a theatre major, it’s really reassuring to hear these thoughts and feelings from other actors
As a Canadian, LA sounds wild, man. Famous actors popping outta the bushes like pokemon.
Amanda! I started watching the tailor and I'm OBSSESSED! I CANNOT BREATH. I need more recs
i would just like to say- i think its funny how everytime i listen to music and then come back here and have to type in the words smosh mouth in the search bar, Smash Mouth is the first thing that pops up and ive never seen *anybody* bring that up, but thats funny as *hell* to me right now 😂😂😂