RUDO (Episode 9)
- Опубликовано: 28 мар 2025
- You can watch other episodes using the links below:
Episode 1: • RUDO (Episode 1)
Episode 2: • RUDO (Episode 2)
Episode 3: • RUDO (Episode 3)
Episode 4: • RUDO (Episode 4)
Episode 5: • RUDO (Episode 5)
Episode 6: • RUDO (Episode 6)
Episode 7: • RUDO (Episode 8)
Episode 8: • RUDO (Episode 8)
Episode 9: • RUDO (Episode 9) Развлечения
Thank you all for watching Rudo, this is the final episode of Rudo. You can watch other episodes using the links below:
Episode 1:видео.html
Episode 2:видео.html
Episode 3:видео.html
Episode 4:видео.html
Episode 5:видео.html
Episode 6:видео.html
Episode 7:видео.html
Episode 8:видео.html
Episode 9:видео.html
We want season 2
please aifaniri kuperera ipapo, phushai futi, cheef nevakoaa anofanira kutongwa nemhoswa yekuuraya. atikurudziri kuuraya kunze kwekutona neumwe mutoo. pease còntinue
Tindike hw far
@@alexandreaugustomapire6075 yes ndinobvumirana nemi Ipapo haifaniri kupera zvakadero
Noo haifaniri kupera zvekudaroo chief vanofanira kuziikanwa nevamhu kuti ndozvakaitika
Team kiriford lets gather here ,, l nearly cry this episode was too emotionally thanx to SLIMAZ PRO TV but chingoisa ka 10 kacho
Ndatochema eish
Me I cried shame
Why it ended like this? 😢
This movie is🔥🔥🔥🔥 raisafanira kupera apa bcz rikunakidza raifanira kungoramba richienda zvekuti Clifford na tinei vauraiwa avo vaifanira kuzotanga kumukira chief ne vamwe vese vakavauraya ndikukumbirawo kuti movie iri rizoita season 2 guys munotigonera ,wese akuda season 2 pathis movie ngaasiye like
Edzayi soo hanzii mukuitei musango nemunhu asina kupfeka
Yeah to be honest director murichibaba ummmmm haaaa 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥
Yakasika kupera was expecting kuzoona zvipoko keep it up guys God bless🎉
Guys seriously you ended this so quick and we still hanging for more this drama was good. Looking forward to season 2 chief and the 2 boys should learn a lesson that they don't handle the crime in their own hands. The 2 boys should learn that what ever the boss tells them to commit a crime they shouldn't do it kune ngozi after.
Exactly nxaaa
What a way to end a movie❤❤❤
this is beautiful acting guys, well done
Tineyi 😂😂 hanzi ndanga ndichitsvaga matamba
This channel must grow kutodarika naiza boom bcz haa your scripts are good guys ngatingo subscriber ti this channel ini handirwadziwe mukoma willard mogonesa zvinhu izvi
Thank you slimaz neku actor zvirikuitika watching from SA
Thank you so much for have u done a good job welldone peek the good work me and my family we love your movie keep on doing your best
Tindike it sounds interesting now excellent good job✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊🔥🔥🔥🔥
Zvichizobuda here Kiri😅😅😅
😭😭😭😭😭😭Kiri n tineyi,,,,, hope vanorarama ndarwadziwa
Haaa ndaizviziva kt pane achanyura. thnx changa chakaipa ichii🔥
Sad ending bho here slimaz, I thought such a good movie was supposed to motivate the youngsters to stand up for true love and be victorious at the end, instead it has created fear that if you stand for the truth you die. Anyway thumbs up to Tineyi and Clifford they are talented , i hope to see them featuring in other series growing in their carriers
Well done team Tinei n cliford love you guys mnogona
Ndasabhukiraibha clap hands for me 😊 I loved this drama thank you waiting for more to come
Was amazing...... thought tineyi n Clifford didn't didn't die for sure 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 .....its end so quickly.......
So surprised we have wounderfull actors in Zimbabwe thank yu so much guys for the best movie ever though yu end it so quickly
It was interesting drama please keep it up Zimbabwes watching from Austria 👏👏👏
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Rest in peace same age Souls 💔💔💔😘😘😘
Lesson learnt... pawazviwona siya zviripo .. nekuti chimwe chokwadi chatora hupenyu hwevanhu...💔
This was so sad ending, I was so emotional. Asi ngozi ndoichapedza dzinza rose.
Ahhh guys chemistry yaTineyi naClifford ka iyi is second to very few in the whole world - maifanirwa kuita capitalise on it and keep this going, kana kuma season 7 masvika quite’s sad you have decided to end it izvezvi.
What a story ❤️thank you we enjoyed it
You welcome
Mind your own business. Thank you production team. I really enjoyed every episode of it. Makanyanya
what a nice drama the Romeo and Juliat way keep doing us more
this is the best episode jealous down slimaz pro tv mondigonera guys
Shame what an interesting and entertaining series with such a sad ending where no one was expecting such a sad ending like that we really enjoyed it thank you so much hope you will create something good like this we wish to keep on supporting you for such a wonderful work you've put on Rudo season ❤️ 💙.
Thank you
thank you Slimaz eyy yapera tichirikuda .....welldone ,keep on going
Hanzi naEdzai matamba monotemhera mberi
Aaah saka yatopera😭 saka Tineyi atosvika pakufa achingotambudzika, ndaizofara kuonawo Tinei achifara naClifford vaenda Kure nekumba kwa chief
Vanga vachida kutanha matamba kani muzukuru🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣you guys mondiitira manje well done guys ❤❤❤❤
Thank you soo much i really enjoyed ,last episode i cried
Rudo is the best keep it up thanks
Well done guys l really enjoyed pliz Keep on doing more
Mamain actor haafe kondeipi iyi aaah, Toda S2 tangai patsva ngavanhongwe vari vapenyu vonorapwa nyaya itange zvee
😂😂😂matamba muzukuru shuwa ooooh Tineyi soooo u a dramatic
dankie guys this was not acting,its a real life situation continue blessing us with other series like this
Yaaa this is emotional guys but ko tindike hwfar guys
Ok thank you so much it was an emotional ending tatombobuditsawo tumisodzi😂😂😂 plz tamirira Tindike now tichifambe nayo
Keep good work guys watching from Qatar......Kirie na Tineyi makanyanya
You can join our diaspora group
This Episode is Dope, its so realistic 👌👍
Thank you you guys we enjoyed ,we just hope there is a S2
they can't be season 2 nekuti vakauraya mukomana nemusikana avoвидео.html
Thank you guys, you are too much,, I gv u 5 🌟.. keep up the good work, mi can't wait for d nxt one
Nice series cant wait for season 2 thanx🙏
Nhasi ndabvuma Slimaz ndi baba vedu guyz
Quite enjoyable eagerly awaiting for episode 10видео.html
Good 👍
Well done slimaz & ur team..but mmmm ndarwadziwa na Tineyi and Clifford.ngazviende mberi🔥🔥🔥🔥
Munogona guys Tineyi keep it up babegal
Pakuzongoperera ipapo manje amana bt it wz an amazing drama i really enjoyed every episode
Bring part 2 l think Chief vaifanirwa kuzviziva kti Tineyi anepamuviri pavo, Tineyi ngasafa uyoo
Ummmmmmmy Tineyii and Clifford mandirwadza vdueeee s10 plz can't wait kuona zvipko
🔥🔥🔥 hope mukutibikira Season 2
Thank you so much ❤
Tine fans let's gather here
Thank you guys it is lit makarigona wedu wee keep it up tipeii zvimwe
This teaches alot please continue
Thanks for entertaining us guys we love you but we need more makatisiya pakawoma
thank you guys .........pamwe pacho munhu zvisineyi newe hazvineyi newe , kungotaura taura hakunakunaka , kana uchigadzirisa munhu pedzerana naye wega not kungozadza information kunyika yese
Thank you guys, I really enjoyed watching this
I want to say thank you for entertaining,,but I don't about requirements to keep on going for a part two,,if possible please ,may you keep on it,,,cause we are also expecting the effects of killing ,,thank you so much,,thank you
I have been missing out....l have finished all the episodes in one go
Good going, now watch Bonde
Is so sad 😭 ending please keep this going
That was Great makagona guyz
I enjoyd the series pliz pakuda ka ssn 2 apa chakanyanya ichi💥💥💥💥
Keep it up guys munogona
Yaa makuhwa akashata sure unourayisa vanhu
Looking forward to EP 2 where Tineyi will come as a ghost and haunt the killers. But this ending was unexpected eish... Tineyi was the movie guys, now that she is gone, noone can replace her eish.
Hmmmmm season 2 inofanha kuuya jus ty and save Tineyi and the boy should survive kudam kwaakandwa ikoko not Ghost haaaa haizonakidzeвидео.html
Aww this episode was so good to watch . Looking forward to S2 . Thank you Slimaz pro 👏🏿 u have gain another subscriber big fun 🔥😍
Thanks a lot
Thanks guys we have enjoyed this series
Haaa guyz thot Clifford naTineyi will escape then vonosanana zvavo kupurazi kumazowe unfortunately the end was so painful anyway makagona zvenyu guyz well done
Big up Edzai Tafadzwa,
Can't wait episode 10 ngaiuye takaenda
Havaifanira kufa
Tineyi is the best actress ever...
This episode is too much guys. Slimaz you are the best of all
Haa finale here yanga yakunakidza wani
Well done guys this was a good one
Is Clifford your fruit??😅😅😅😅this is great🔥🔥🔥
Well written story ...🎉hats off
We want season 2 guys
exactly season 2
season two when both main characters are dead?
Justice for Tineyi and Kirifodhi 😤
Great actors are coming in our country
What a sad love story …. Well done 🎉
Well talented Edzai
We want season 2 gyz ndikuda kuziva kuti how did he feel pavakanzwa kuti tinei aivanenhumbu 😭😭😭
🤣🤣🤣 ndaka zorora mukoma
You ended it so quick why we were enjoying watching it
Slimaz une nharo mdhara, well done
Zvamaita izvi kaa... tinoda season 2 as soon as possible.
Thank you soo much team ndadzidza mind your own hokoso
Guys this wasn't supposed to be the end haibo tipei s2 chief must face the consequences
Chimwe chokwadi chourayisa dzidzai kubva pana Merenziana
We are still waiting for Tindike
Patakasiirwa nationwide panorwadza
Patakasiirwa naTindike marwadzo
Haaa part 2 guys panofanira kuita zvipoko apo😔 well done guys
powerful story and season l loved it
Sad ending 😔. Good acting team yese