I Tried Disney World's Most Luxurious Restaurant
- Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
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maybe disney magic is real after all?
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Does the goat respond? 🐐
@@Dylan Your trying to remove your roblox roleplay roots
Personally confirmed pro tip about Victoria and Albert's harpist: You can make a request for her to play a song of your choice (within reason), and if she knows it, she'll play it right then and there for you. If she doesn't know the song, she'll go out of her way to learn it on her next break and play it for you. That's the level of service they provide there.
Victoria and Albert's is worth every penny and ounce of effort to get a reservation. They only do one single seating every night, so that table is yours and only yours for the night, hence the price.
so can i make her play five nights at freddy’s in a michelin star disney restaurant
Actually they do two dining services every night. One at 5:30PM, and the other at 8:05PM
Interesting fact but I don’t see how having a table to myself for a day excuses the price
@@scarecrowjones1 then dont go
@@scarecrowjones1the price is cause not only is it at Disney, it’s a Michelin star restaurant lol
Fun fact we learned while at EPCOT this year is that all employees working in a specific country establishment are actually from THAT country and are usually there for a 6 month term. We kinda assumed that once we started hearing employees speak fluently in the country's language but confirmed when we talked with an employee.
You are correct. They were all once visitors to the park that had their passports taken away.😂
Not really. I used to work at Epcot. Only the CM in World Showcase are from that specific country. But some CM work longer than 6 months. Also, Morocco is actually owned by the Kingdom of Morocco.
That's cool
That's cool but sadly eventually UK, Germany, and more will just be Arabs or Indians.
This makes me wanna go back to Disney
ex cast member here!! Won't guarantee that the food is good but you should try Cinderella's royal table (dining inside THE castle) and Be our guest restaurant (Belle's castle) for the vibe! For the food, you can try Sanaa at Animal Kingdom Lodge, Satuli's canteen, and the shrimp taco at ABC Comissary (unpopular opinion). I also love the cheeseburger springroll. Maybe you can come back during the international flower and garden festival!!! see u there!
I went there to celebrate my niece's birthday and the food was so good. I was soooo surprised!
Agreed. I visited and tried a lot of different restaurants and really preferred the food from Tusker* House and Tiffins over Cinderella’s or Be Our Guest. But yeah, you go to those other places for the vibe, cuz it certainly is on point!
ABC Commissary is so good! I love the buffalo chicken grilled cheese!
When i went for lunch it was decent, not great.
I’m still there and been here 30 years with the company. I agree with your list. I don’t have to pay those prices either. Worth the price? Nah…
Norwegian here 👋🏼🇳🇴
1. You said Akershus correctly the second time you tried and when you left the restaurant🏅
2. The host spoke Norwegian (actually with a dialect from the south) and said; Can you tell me if you have a name on the sheet that is..
3. The architecture of the restaurant reflects our old, venerable buildings and there is a large castle by the water in the middle of our capital called Akershus Fortress.🏰
4. In our defense, the food you were served reflects not our food culture! 😅
Thank you for an informative comment! And one would hope people would realize that menu had little/nothing to do with Norwegian cuisine. (I mean, I assume y'all drink water, so that part was right. Lol) That's such a shame because I have no idea about Norwegian cuisine and what better place to serve authentic Norwegian cuisine than in a restaurant in the Norway experience at EPCOT?
Damn i didn't know Disney adults lived outside of the US. That makes it even worse somehow. So sad.
Pardon me sir, but perhaps you could answer a question burning in my brain for close to 10 years now. I believe my family one time ate at Akershus, and if my memory serves me correctly, It was this caramelized goat(?) cheese, that was rich and sweet and almost like a cream cheese. It was unbelievable, one of the greatest cheeses i have ever had and I have not been able to remember what it is called, or where in the world i would find this cheese again. Could you please help a poor Texan with a cheesy request?
@@Rowrowthegravyboat Brunost, or brown cheese. it's not actually cheese itself. its whey from when making cheese. You should google it. And yes its amazing. If you get your hands on it. other than putting it on a slice of bread, I absolutely reccomend putting it in a brown sauce that goes with fowl, aka turkey. It's heavenly
Shit i did not know that thank you good sir for this information. 😅😅😅 Diy. It is surprising tho also Disney adults im surprised their outside of the US I Thought they would only stay their?😅.
Dylan, thank you so much for showing the inside of the Mickey waffle. I've been wanting to try to recreate them at home but never got it right, but you showing the crumb makes me realize I need to be making a yeasted batter T-T
LOL for real though
@@ariasparrowmusic I literally slapped the pause button and was in agony, my partner was like omg what's wrong are you ok. I'm like IT'S YEASTED!!! and couldn't explain properly for a full minute I was so het up lol
@@KT-Kaboom 🤣
Wow this is the saddest comment in the history of the internet and that is saying a lot.
Girl it's the Golden Malted mix with added sugar for extra caramelization. Hope this helps!
Saying that you love everything about that restaurant and saying it over footage of your girl is so wholesome.
Oh yeah, I've eaten at the chef's table at Victoria & Albert's, and this table is located in a lovely alcove inside the kitchen, so you get to see all the chefs and sous-chefs working very calmly, yet expeditiously, and it's a lovely ballet to witness!
that feels like such a rich person thing to do 😭
@witheraway.6562 Not really, I was quite frugal in the rest of my spendings, and this was my birthday treat. It was a few years ago, so quite cheaper. A $200 meal is considerable, for sure, but nothing suuuuuper extravagant for a once-in-a-lifetime event.
It's just such a different experience but incredible to watch. Splurged on the dinner saved money on the hotel lol
@stephanie5924 Nothing like a Pop Century /V&A Chef's Table combo for the frugal gourmand!
@@PruneauYT hey Pop Century serves up some delicious quick service breakfast meals that would put the Grand Floridian Cafe to shame!
Was not expecting that $1000 bill my boy…
Expensive would be a major understatement.
1000 dollars for a 1 michelin star restaurant is criminal
For those who've never been to a restaurant with food so good it brought tears to one's eyes, I hope you get to at some point. I've gotten to a couple of times. One of them was a really high end Japanese restaurant in California. They had a high end tasting menu for the usual clients and a second one that was obviously aimed at Japanese clients (in Japanese). We all opted for the latter. Our waitress who was in a formal kimono asked if we were sure as some of the dishes might be 'chalenging' for us. We all just told her to tell the chef to make what he wished to serve us. I'm pretty sure some of the dishes weren't normally on the menu. They were amazing even if I wasn't sure what some of them were. Our waitress visibly relaxed after like the second dish when she saw how much we were all enjoying the food. She may have told the chef "no really, just make your best." This was in the 1980's and the final bill came out to almost $400 each. The chef came out at the end and we stood and bowed as best we could. That remains one of the most memorable meals of my life.
And I thought I was the only one who actually cried at the food. It was so good and unlike anything I’ve eaten, (hubby and I ate both huge foodies) but I took one bite of a particular dish and literally cried over it and I’m NOT a crier. 🤣
princess treatmeant for fat gorlock with always greasy bangs? nah
Well she is cheating so.
@@juananaya5572dont spread lies on the internet
@@juananaya5572where did you even get that 💀 Facebook?
“I don’t think that fish has touched water in years”
- such a good burn. I’m cataloging that one for later.
Their relationship is so cute
She is cheating on him. It's just a cash grab at this point.
@@juananaya5572 Lmao no way how do you know
@@juananaya5572 to say this about strangers just to hate.. you must have a REALLY sad life, very obvious you are alone and depressed
@juananaya5572 you keep on saying this
Disney fan here, I feel that Takumi-Tei in Epcot is the most luxurious restaurant there! It’s a three hour experience full of Japanese cuisine.
I was also thinking Le Cellier Steakhouse
I was looking for this comment!
@ That too!
@ Glad I wasn't the only one thinking it!
so sorry for your life.
Hi Dylan!! Very cool to see you going to a norwegian restaurant. I forgive you for your Akershus pronunciation. And the waitress was indeed speaking norwegian! I wish we got more actual norwegian food (and good quality at that) in the restaurant though- so if you feel like ever coming to Norway to try our food, you should! We have a lot of good stuff :) and cool architecture and beautiful views.
(also it costing a bunch is probably because norway is so damn expensive...)
I would LOVE to come to Norway
I did see some Lefse hiding under the rolls
Akershus used to be a buffet with all sorts of seafood, including fish like herring, salmon, shrimp salad, which only northern Europeans knew how to make.
@@Dylan FWIW, Akershus reminded me a lot of Viking Restaurant Harald in Finland, vibewise; it feels half fast-casual tourist trap and half themed fine dining. They have a pretty good tasting menu with a bunch of single bites of pretty unusual and sometimes old-timey food, mostly solidly keeping with the Viking feast theme. Stop by while you're in the neighbourhood, why don't ya. (there's several now, but the original is in Tampere)
The waitress language sounded more like swedish spoken in Finland tbh
I‘ve eaten at V&A several times and while it is expensive, the food and service was amazing every time!
However, I wouldn‘t spend any money on their expensive bottled waters. They have a water filtration system just for this restaurant and it is so delicious (and free), we drank several bottles each, because it was so good and they just brought out a fresh bottle when we emptied one.
She has other guys buying her stuff. It's sad that she is cheating on him.
@@juananaya5572 bro what??? You mean hyper that's literally the same person
@@juananaya5572bro you’ve literally said that like five times calm down 😢
@@juananaya5572 Do you have proof of this? Instead of spamming this on every comment?
@@juananaya5572 am i missing some lore over here?
I was fortunate enough to go to Victoria and Albert's several years ago. So good. Looking forward to the day that I get to go back.
Yupp she spoke Norwegian.
Absolutely nothing you ate was typical Norwegian.. It was typical Disney food.
Greetings from Oslo, Norway
Dylan I'm starting to get the sneaking feeling you just wanna go eat good food with your gf lmao
soo cool you two got to share this experience not just with the youtube but with one another i hope you two had an amazing time!
i consider you my goat youtuber of this generation
14:22 “I’m a child, I don’t belong here” -Dylan at literal Disney World
I remember me and my friend ordered a bud light at the Grand Floridian cafe and the waiter made the joke saying that will be $1 million dollars. Best guest experience I have ever received!!
dylan love the video! would love to see more street food/restaurants you randomly see just like the food truck video. maybe like touristy restaurants? keep up the good work!
The caviar looked to me like osetra which would explain why it wasn’t “fishy” or briney. If you really want to have your mind blown, try golden osetra if you come across it. It’s heavenly and worth every penny!
awww yall are sooo cute together!!! it makes me happy yall got to experience this and had such a great time. :)
I used to work in Disney public relations department. They would pay my meals taking clients out on property so I ate pretty much everywhere. What's cool is they have extra experiences sometimes you can swing that are even more expensive than Victoria & Alberts. You can basically hire a private chef and eat kinda anywhere in any way you want. If you have enough money you can even do stuff before/after the park is open.
You guys are such a cute couple! I love it when Cari joins you in your videos. Dylan & Cari Rock! ❤ Keep up the great work, i love your channel!👍😊
Letsss go!!! A new dylan vid! The editing is AMAZING as always !
My editor is the goat
For real !
Carrie's amazing nails were the best part of this video!!! 🎉
She has such an adorable personality and her cute facial expressions love her in your vidsss
I loved Victoria and Albert's when I dined there. I was in the Queen Victoria's room..I was so entertained when they brought out a huge lump of butter shaped in a chef's hat that they took the quenelle from there
She looks SO HAPPY to be there!!!! I’m jealous ❤❤❤❤❤
12:09 that restaurant looks like a soulless hotel convention centre. Absolutely no character
I was just thinking that looks like a high dollar retirement home. I used to work in one that looked like that. Mostly engineers and upper middle class people with well off families who lived there. Them calling it the fanciest restaurant they’ve been too threw me off. Looks like a final resting place 😂 no disrespect to my former patients but eating at that Disney restaurant that looks like that would make me feel like I’m summoning the grim reaper 😂
It’s funny watching the norway section, wasn’t expecting it, cause i work there. So recognizing the cast members was like a fun “omg! It’s (insert name here)!” Like cameos.
The buffet pre-covid used to have more traditional Norwegian fare made by Scandinavian chefs. But they dont do that anymore. Trust me we all thought it’d be super fun to serve traditional Christmas foods over the holidays
The only thing magical about Disney is how much they raised prices compared to inflation over the last several years, the line on the chart is almost vertical
You two are adorable!!
Walking up to the EPCOT ball and announcing "I'M HOLDING IT!!!" Is a key thing to do in Disney 😂😂😂 I love your gf's energy. I wanna go to Disney with her!! btw......she needs a new tiara dangit!
You can get a whole case of Topo Chico (The official sparkling water of Texas) at Costco for not much more than $16 Plus I would venture to say and it's much more crispier and stays that way for a lot longer than that Norwegian B.S. you bought...
Immediately liked when he went with the expensive option! Food is such an experience!!!🙌🏼
This was the first one of your videos I’ve watched. Great job. 👍🏻
this was definetly my favorite dylan video
I am definitely adding that last restaurant on my bucket list. I am not a serious Disney person. But I would go there just to try the michelin Star restaurant as you were excited after each course.
It's none of my business here but your girlfriend looked absolutely beautiful the entire video and her personality seemed so sweet and down to earth. This was a fun video. It would be cool to see a little bit more of her. The way you two interact is adorable. 🥰. Also now I'm hungry for an extremely expensive and delicious meal. I feel the need to treat myself! And maybe someone special ❤. Not Disney world expensive and special but you know what I mean. Looks like you had a great trip!
This was an awesome video! The last restaurant looks incredible. I thought to myself wow I need to go there! But for $1000?! I’m sure it is worth it but damn! Glad you guys had a great time
Being a cast member and seeing all the people who pay for this just because it’s Disney is mind blowing 🤣🤣 also so glad I get discounts
Yass perks of being an employee
You guys are adorbs and that food all looks amazing! ❤
My apologies if I spell her name wrong but I love Kerry, she is so precious and a great addition to the video ! She seems like a keeper ! Good job my guy !
congrats to Dylan reaching 700k subs 🎉🎉🎉
3:09 no dylan we do not 😭💔
I do!😩😭
My favorite restaurant at any Disney park is the Lamplight Lounge at Disneyworld. It was soooooo good!
I just wanted to say that during the waffle montage you feeding Carrie (sp?) bacon was just too cute. She is lovely and glad to see her, even though being on camera might not be her jam. She is a gem, and always a bonus to see when she wants to be in the spotlight!
Loved this honest review
Yessssss! A new Dylan vid! I’ve been waiting
Thank you for taking the monetary plunges that I'd never be willing to. Seeing the prices at Victoria & Albert's made me feel like I was in financial ruin without me even spending a dime.
Great vid. You are becoming one of my favorite content creators!
I love the videos with Carrie!!!! She’s so fun if you can please bring her more often
Fun fact none of these are Disney’s most luxurious. Club 33 costs over $70k to join and be able to dine.
Everyone knows about Club 33 at this point but I think it's obvious that this comes with the sticker "Within reason/not including C33" because there are multi-millionaires who fight for years to be accepted and even then can lose their spot if they don't maintain the absurd membership fee. I'm not rich myself but I did befriend a kid from a super rich family in my grade school years and it happened to their grandparents. They spent 10-15 years trying to get a spot, finally did and then the bank made an accident with the automatic payment and Disney kicked them off like a day or two after a single missed membership payment. At the time we drifted apart as friends they had been back on the waiting list for like two-years with no chance of being readmitted in sight. C33 doesn't play around to an absurd degree and I don't think anyone watching this video expected him to go there.
I think it's pretty clear that he means "most luxurious that you can actually eat". Because like, it's not just a money issue with Club 33. They intentionally keep it super exclusive. A lot of rich people can't get in, completely arbitrarily, because Disney wants to manufacture the idea of it being elite (and as they increasingly target the rich instead of normal families, eventually most people who go there will be able to afford Club 33).
Yeah done
Bro has a girl, eating good food with a large fanbase, this man living the dream.
The hell was that mac n cheese! Neon/nuked sauce!
First time seeing your channel. I wasn’t sure what I was getting into. But I have to say great story telling, I like the way you keep the audience engaged and most importantly your honest reviews. Nice work.
New dylan vid!!! Pls do more disney videos this was really entertaining!!
The meal at Medieval Times looked better than the meal at the second restaurant. Great video!
Dude Cari does your laundry, buy her infinite tiaras if she wants! She's already Cinderella
What if he does his own laundry
@NxSBob. He said he doesn't so 😂
I think you have one of the most honest food reviews on RUclips. Always enjoy your content.
I used to work at the grand Floridian in the Disney college program. I worked the character buffet 1900 park faire, Citricos, Narcoossee's, and Victoria Albert’s as host staff! The years have flown by!
Thank you for taking me through all three restaurants. The last one truly is a dream,I unfortunately will never get to experience. But through your delights,I was able to pretend I was there with you. Keep them coming!😊
2:26 the happy fists of excitement!!! I get like that too when I get excited over good foods
As a 30 year cast member, I used to clean that Norway restaurant 23 years ago, third shift. You may not like it but I guarantee it’s very clean. They do a wonderful job in the kitchen, or at least at the time.
Dylan's content is so goated and underrated
Just a little info..you can send back food to the kitchen if it's dry like sand😅
Thanks for doing this, I never been to a Disneyland/world. I thought I'd be too old to even go.
I love food like LOVE food but paying almost my rent cost for 1 meal...I could never.
That mac & cheese at the second place looks like it might glow in the dark LOL
Don't know why this video was on my feed but Cari is adorable.
Have done the chef’s table at Victoria and Albert’s and can honestly say it was one of the craziest experience well worth the money
I’ve been watching dylan since bloxburg vids with poke and I just realised he had this channel, I’ve missed him ever since he made his last video 2 years ago.
I can’t wait watching all your vids man! ❤
You actually nailed "Akershus" the second time I was shocked ahaha well done
Dylan, my first time viewing your vlog and I liked it and subscribed! It's been a few years since I've eaten at Walt Disney World but, I did enjoy Norway's Akershus lunch buffet. If it still exists, I don't know. The price then was around $22.50 for all I could eat. I love their sliced cheese, lightly 'tan' on the outer skin but the flavor! Yummmm!! Now, the Luxurious dinner you two had in Victoria & Albert's certainly was a treat; one that I can't see myself having simply because I can't see spending that much for a nice meal. I've had very good dinners in several places for hundreds less but, good for you and I'm happy your experience was wonderful and no doubt you'll remember it for a long time.
can't wait for the Universal Frisco video you're gonna do once they finally finish it (speaking it into existence)
This is the very first video of yours that ive seen, and the content was so good I subscribed immediately! Thank you for sharing your insights! I want to try that last restaurant for myself someday!
bro Cari getting all excited and happy cured my depression
The way he shut her down is freaking hysterical when she asked for another tiara. He's like I'm about to spend a lot of money.
“I’m trying to be polite like a lady”
(Wets himself laughing)
Viewers: Savage!! 😂
omg cari looks gorgeous in that dress at the end
Seeing your childhood fav Roblox RUclipsr grow and be successful is just the best feeling ever :) ❤
I hope Dylan's channel continues to do well solely for the purpose of treating Cari to nice things.
I tried Dylan’s most liked videos
I tried that a few months ago, now I'm subscribed lol
A bot stole your comment😢
@@Magiic168 😞😞😞
WOW...I am so happy you 2 loved the fancy restaurant. You both looked like you were in another world eating that marvelous food. Great vid. Be safe out there you 2🥰🥰
7:34 😮 I know she had some words with you after you pulled the menu out of her hands. RIP ☠️
What a great couple!!! You’re both awesome❤
Carie deserves all the crowns!
I subscribed for you so you can do more of these expensive videos, and I liked it !
Two glasses and two tees and two hungry people 0:50
Not me making spaghetti with tomato sauce while watching this. 😢
I love your videos ngl i wanna try vlogging like you kinda being a food vlogger but in a good way like you
@@DylanTy so much for replying but idk if I'll ever vlog cause of my introvert behaviour and the public anxiety I have in public places
Glacier 51 toothfish is the same species as patagonian toothfish AKA Chilean Seabass. The enviornment it lives in gives the meat a sweeter, softer mouthfeel but a majority of that price is from the expenses that come with wild fishing it due to the shit conditions in the area *high winds, high swell, usually hard snowfall, your basically on a boat in a blizzard hours away from any ports*. Its Chilean Seabass turned up to 11, some people say its like wagyu compared to steak but personally its not as big of a leap, dont get me wrong, its good and if it were 2x the price id tell anyone to try it atleast once if they like fish, but at 10x the price it really only makes sense in a tasting setting like this.
i'm norwegian and the second last attempt at saying akershus was on pointtt
Everything looked Sooo good at the last restaurant!!! And ur girl is soooo beautiful I wish I looked like her
I've been to all of these restaurants and I can tell you that, although they were good, Club 33 is better than all of them. Although it was fun to have roast duck at V&A the same week that the Mighty Ducks hockey team was announced, especially as an LA Kings fan. Grand Floridan Cafe used to have an all-you-can-eat buffet. The Norwegian restaurant used to have Norwegian food, not crappy dry American food.