tom holland spoiling marvel movies for 13 minutes straight
- Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
- tom holland spoiling marvel movies for 13 minutes straight
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this video is only for fun and entertainment :D
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#tomholland #spiderman #peterparker #marvel #mcu #avengers Развлечения
More spoilers here!
🤫видео.html 😱
Oh hi
I came back to this video and you just pinned this weird…
*Angry Tom noises*
The best thing about him accidentally spoiling something is that you can’t just get fired because you ARE the character
Well the first hulk actor and other iron man character has to get recasted because they were controversial
Tell that to Black Widow 😆
@@divio784 that’s not why they didn’t get cast for the more modern movies.
@@bgf3640 it’s part of the reasons they didn’t get recasted
He was almost getting fired
i can just imagine tom accidentally telling his future wife "oh yeah and then i picked up your engagement ring today and..." and accidentally spoiling his own proposal lmaoo
That would be epic
LMAO that could totally happen
I can see this happening so clearly HAHA
Him proposing to Zendaya
tom would be THAT friend to ask “are you going to your surprise party this saturday?”
Lmao he totally would-
Hajahahajahahah lmao
the fact that tom can spoil stuff this much and still be employed by marvel is a testament to just how good of an actor and how valuable he is to the mcu
of course hes valuable, they cant just replace him with another actor or just get rid of/kill THE most popular character from mcu
Spiderman is too popular and famous for them to get rid of him. As long as he doesn’t get super controversial (as if everybody thinks he’s hot 👀) or go to jail I think we’re good
@@pixelzebra8440sounds familiar, only theyre still employed
@kdog5003 who are you referring to?
@@WillowtheMuppet ezra miller
you can just tell how stressed zendaya and benedict look in interviews with him lmaooo
666 Like?
Yeah they were probably being "friendly" reminded by Marvel before the interviews to not let Tom spoiled anything. Lol! You can totally see the stress, especially on Zendaya. 😅
benedict cucumberpatch
@@vladimirpudding7313 lmao
@@itsElimed mefisto confirmed????
Tom : *Smiles*
Everyone : "Stop right there."
Seeing the “Confidential do NOT share” is such perfect comedic timing.
You now thats staged right?
I'm pretty sure that one is staged since it says Mark Ruffalo is the one who sent it, but it was still the first time for the fans to see that poster so it's funny.
@@iksteunihattaren9877 doesn't change the timing tho
No way home?
he accidentlly rolled a nat. 20 on a comedy check.
“Spoiler Man, Spoiler Man- Spoils Whatever Marvel says he cant”
"Spoiler Man, Spoiler Man- Spoils Whatever Marvel says he can't
Spoils a movie of any kind
Then saying they are just lies
Look out, Here comes the Spoiler Man".
@@destroyer3.028fire ngl 🔥🔥🔥🔥
"I haven't spoiled anything"
The first stage of grief is denial.
No that’s the first step to acceptance; denial not grief.
@@thisaccountissomethingelse6960 idk if this can be considered one but: r/woosh
@@zinanplayz4897 nahh you kinda did it wrong fr
@@space9803 ye i thought i did tbh
Ooga Booga
Interviewer: *Asks Tom a story question*
Benedict: *STRESS LEVEL 99%*
444 likes nice
Wheres that 1% u fing coward
Its over 9 thousand
and Kevin Feige's over 9000
Benedict Cumberbatch has it written into his contract that he gets ten bucks an hour and can have anything in the fridge, just to babysit Tom Holland
adolecsit*видео.html watch tom holland pranking his brother 🤣🤣
So you're saying that the Strange/Spiderman dynamic breaks the fourth wall
@@nolanfaught6974 breaking the fourth Wall is a phenomenon when a character in a fictional piece acknowledges that the piece is fictional and that they are characters within it. This can happen by referring to the audience directly, indirectly, acknowledging they're in a show, particularly a portion of the show that falls into a cliche.
I love the fact that Dr Strange babysitting Spider-Man is basically still canon in real life 😂
Frrrrr 😂😂😂😂
2 replies only?
Fr 😭 @@ItsSimplyAura
3 replaced only? After a month?? Dang.
It would be great if he were interviewed for the upcoming movie and said "I can't really tell you anything about the film, all I can say is that me, Andrew and Tobey had a wonderful time on set!"
Oh no
This is not happening right? Even if the other spideys come, my guess is they will be Holland.
It is impossible because Kevin Fiege will be with Tom Holland in every interview.He will sit just behind the camera holding a Gun.
@@manojlds it's happening bro
all of em are here
and even if they don't come(not happening however) I'll not be disappointed bcoz doc oc and goblin , elecrmtro and many are already here
if he was really a spiderman the world would have know in just few seconds
Or do the “i am iron man” move just like tony
Honestly I don't know how it took so long. Peter was pretty bad at keeping it a secret.
lmaoo the kid is legit the real life of his character remember how the fat guy caught him walking on the ceiling 😂
@@luvitadjauhari4151 **After* accidentally spoiling it and saying "Oh no!" followed by "Anyway"
* Tom spoiling movies *
"Oh no..."
* Seconds later *
I love how he goes from "oh no I spoiled again" to "well since I've already done it here's more info". Looooool
lmaooo ikr😂he just continues like nothing happened..
It's like that every single time
Well I think the spoilers are just a marketing trick anyway
2:33 The fact that Jake had to cover Tom's mouth with his hand to avoid spoilers and Tom licked his hand for him to stop is hilarious😂
Ikr 😂 Dude can not keep a secret
tom's face was hilarious
"Ah, ah, ah, spoilers"
I love that they just... don't let him do interviews alone. Seriously, he's like a child who just assumes everybody else knows things just because he does. I love it.
He is 25 -
@@pleaseitsmia1033 adults are but big children
@@dotthedot9080 indeed they are
He just gets excited like everyone else is and Wants to share things with people
@@pleaseitsmia1033 notice ‘LIKE’ a child, it’s a simile lmao
tom: *shares the newest poster of the movie to literally EVERYONE*
on the poster: “confidential do NOT share”
tom: OH……
that thing was part of the marketing stuff, Tom was definitely told to do so
@@ostray5909 doubt it the movie was already absolutely massive and everyone who was in that live was gonna see it anyways
So what? we still have our excitement for the movie.
its just a poster guys
My thoughts exactly
“Confidential do not share” *starts reading out loud what the paper says*видео.html ., .
this was funny af especially the ending
He posted it though
@@fantasyland3646 it was live
but why did he turn it upside down to read the confidential part?
8:54 is absolutely hilarious. I love their interaction. Benedict is like "uh unh. Nope. No spoilers for you"
When Tom is spoiling something, I’ll bet Benedict feels like he’s steering the Titanic away from the iceberg
For real!!!😂🤣
“I tried to port round it, but she hit 😔”
Wow! *Clap*
And it still ends up sinking lmao
Zendaya is like : should I tell him…..? nah.
Didnt want people to notice what he said and actually think about what he said. Just leave it.
More like NAHHHH
@@itisicountolaf.yournewguar6111 who tf is count Olaf
the title should be renamed *benedict cumberbatch making sure tom holland doesnt spoil anything for 13 minutes straight*
"and mostly failing"
He looks so stressed in all of these interviews too! The most stressful job at Marvel: keeping Tom from spoiling
no wait thats the guy mark mentioned in sister location.
@@anonymouse29 yep
The fact that he reads the letter while the words "Confidential do not share" were one the other side just makes it 10 times hilarious XD
If this was lucasfilm star wars… seriously, you can’t say ANYTHING as a star wars actor.
Hopefully you know it's staged?
Everyone has permission to cover Tom's mouth i guess
I'd be the first in line
@@michimichwi cringe
I don't understand what's cringe in my comment
@@TheHappyHummy okay
@@michimichwi I meant to reply to the guy who commented the everyone has permission...
We gotta give him the credit: he REALLY HELD his tongue with this last movie. Congrats!
Of course, there was so many people trying to know if there was 3 spidermans, and he tried to stay silent enough to not say that there are 3 spidermans, but being this silent about 3 spidermans is just: "yes, there are 3" (at least for me)
yeah he did so well, such a good movie too
Yes man... I was actually looking for this comment 🤣🤣🤣
@@eve31234 hey can u not spoil stuff lol? i’m asking really nicely (ive watched the movie 4 different times in the theaters), so i’m saying this for the people who haven’t already. It would suck for someone to have the movie spoiled for them ex not having enough money at the time to watch it. Just pls be mindful
@@jasmined4307 tbh anyone clicking on a video about the actor of spiderman saying spoilers and then being surprised with a spoiler kinda deserves it
Girl: I like a guy that spoils me
Tom: Say no more.
Zendaya living the dream rn
Lmaoooooo... 😭✋🏻✨🤣🤣🤣
Lmao 💀
Underrated comment😂😂😂
11:38 Let's face it. This was one of the most funniest things that tom holland has done as part of the MCU and his entire life.
Wanna know what’s funnier
It was *supposed* to have “confidential do not share” on TOP
So that means whoever put it there did so UPSIDE DOWN and it wasn’t entirely his fault that time
I was just going to comment this 😂 It had me cracking up in laughter because the fact that it was so perfect it felt scripted- the fact that he POINTED the side that said 'do not share this blah blah blah' to the camera is just comedy gold 😂
@@koathekid8255he opened the box upside down
YESSS this was so freaking funny!!!!!
It was scripted, wasn’t it?)
“I haven’t spoiled anything”
Hard core fans who have watched every interview: hOlD mY tEa PlZ ☕️
first reply
@@chicoranger2697 only reply
Me seeing the like on this comment
@@chicoranger2697 Your pfp look like bakbak
@@Curseycubey possibly
If he said "so Batman and Superman are also in this movie", everyone would believe him.
Honestly that's the best way to solve his spoiler problem: drop fake spoilers in the same way that he has done the real ones, as long as he makes them sound convincing.
nah, he can't lie
@@bunbun6424 then lie to him
@@StephanMok oh that's a good idea :)
@Morgan T acting and lying are so much different
The fact that marvel told Tom that Tony's death was a wedding so he wouldn't spoil anything
That gets me every time 😂😂😂
Really?? It’s hilarious 😂😂
they told other ppl too that when they shoot tonys funeral they shoot a wedding so the actors didnt know they were filming the funeral that day
@@sherangles bruh they all wore black and looked sad what are you talking about
@@dakebrb yeah of course they do in the actual scene, but before that moment they were told they were filming a wedding so they wouldn't know they were filming the funeral that day (this is what i've heard)
I love that he's surrounded by older people that treat him like a toddler that just learned a naughty word and they have to keep constant watch to make sure he doesn't shout it in polite company
tom: “i’m gonna pretend i didn’t see that…”
@@est495 yeah ik that’s kinda the point lmao
@@est495 ok
@@est495 Neither did I. I feel like memes have gotten so removed from their original meaning that half the time they just make no sense to me, and a good chuck of the remaining time, they make sense but they would make even more sense outside of a meme format.
@@yf-n7710 ya know even if you dont get it it seems to me that there were
1.4k people that did and thought it was funny
I feel like that was a joke, it's too perfect that he's showing the camera the confidential do not read part
I died of laughter when the guy said “Does everyone survive?” and then Tom shrugs.
And then the lady right next to her: "DON'T SAY ANYTHING!"
Technically they all survive
@@lancetheking7524 Except for Tony/Iron Man
@@WhitNotWhite he survived he just quit so they "killed" him off but I read something where he might come back
@@lancetheking7524 I think they were talking about Infinity War hahaha
I like how marvel has appointed Dr strange to check upon and stop tom's spoilers
no wonder why he's in the 3rd movie
@@cerridianempire1653 looool
lol that itself was a spoiler
@Josh Allen Obviously
3:50 Tom: “I haven’t spoiled anything!”
Also Tom: “I’ve spoiled a few things…” 😂
*Sheffield moment*
The ‘CONFIDENTIAL, DO NOT SHARE” on the back is almost too perfect
@@chrisevans5961 Ya I believe u bro😄
@@chrisevans5961 fake
@@FormulaClock941 1) doesn't understand a joke
2) Fortnite pic
Yep, you're a child
i think some of the spoilers were intended. someone in the comment section has also mentioned it
Bruh Zendays’s facial expressions at the beginning when Tom is spoiling his scenes is literal comic gold
Why no replies
How exactly is it gold? Get out of your basement
@@vivekjaiswar6825 All you got? I expected better (This is a joke)
@@TheFazbearShowtimer your iq is
Tom is too funny. That letter literally said "CONFIDENTIAL DO NOT SHARE", and obliviously shows it to the camera 😂
I burst out laughing at the poor fellow, when he see's it xD
looks like on purpose too
I know I couldn’t stop laughing
It wasn't on accident, they planned to do this
It's staged. It doesn't help that he had his reaction by turning the paper upside down when it was already right side up to pretend to read it and then be shocked.
8:57 Benedict singing just to stop tom from spoiling is the funniest thing I've ever seen him do😂
I feel bad for Benedict Cumberbatch. His stress is so visible in every clip🤣.
Read this in dios voice 😂
@@H3XIC if Dio wasn’t so evil I feel he’d actually say that
Dio ain't english
@@FrYnss he is British, actually
oh my goodness is that the real dio? well sucks to suck because im diavolo and I am 3x stronger than you. even though you can stop time I can skip time. NOOB!
Tom: *I’ll do it anyway!*
Interpretation. He is doing it to increase the hype only.
I know this is off topic but I'm I the only one that's like don't mind being spoiled by anyone who knows about the what kind of show, episode, movie and any kind or any types of shows as in I don't mind or am not mad at people spoiled the show for me because I don't have any interest on that and it some times depends on me If I like or not. But I still respect some people who avoid spoilers alert stuff like, I respect that and sure I don't mind that.
666 don't be fools
He doesn’t even realise that he’s spoiling everything
How bout I do anyways
He spoils the movies but they are NEVER gonna get rid of him cus he’s just such an amazing actor lol
Honestly the spoils are so accurate to the character of spider man. Given responsibility, surrounded by adults and really tries his best but messes up in the most innocent way possible.
Uncle Ben: With great power comes great responsibility
Tom: What's responsibility :D
The thing I don't understand is that actors are paid to attend these interviews.
This is the only possible time in history where they dont have to force an actor to promote their movie, and they just said "nope please go and sabotage us"
Not because he's an amazing actor, but because he's a popular actor with a lot of fans and they have a lot of movies planned for him, no one is gonna fire him and then look for another actor, just because he spoils the movies sometimes
@@That_0ne_Dev 😂😂😂
i love that on the last question he was trying to not spoil it by changing the subject but then spoils more
Tom is like a 2 year old in public. Just absolutely cannot let anything be private or confidential without someone watching him. And I love him.
Damn if everyone had a description you perfectly described him
It’s annoying as hell
It’s nice to see representation lol. I was and always will be this person
@@jz7551 your annoying
@@kyle5346 why?
COMON BROO "Confidential do not share" THAT PART KILLED ME 😭😭
ok that was fake tho. it was a joke bc tom and mark are both known to spoil things so marvel used it as a funny way to reveal the infinity war poster
@@bekahbryant2082 more like a marketing trick
@@phoenix1604 yea that’s what i meant lolll
It's so funny how he spoiled the movie then said " I'm sorry, I'm sorry". But then proceeded to spoil the movie once again . 😂 I freaking love Tom Holland.
It’s hard to tell if Tom Holland is spider man or if spider man if Tom Holland
i am karl 🥵🥵👹👹👺👺🧙🧙♂🧙♀🤺🤺👣👣🪰🪰🪰🪰
oh btw kool naim i reeli like it the Trophy Gammer
Zendaya loves him more oh wait i meant
no way.
5:24 They purposefully called him Tom H here to distinguish between tom and tom, but they're both Tom H 😅 lol
"I don't get paid enough for that" - Stuntman probably makes 5% as much as he does
Stuntman promptly called his agent after that I’m sure.
Like bruh his estimated net worth is like 15 million.
not proportionately, because if that's accounted for he makes more (the stuntman)
Tom: '' I dont even spoil that much''
*has a whole 13 minute video compilation of the movies he has spoiled*
13 minute of nothing
@@BobXmaster Nothing but spoiling his own movie lol
@@cheeeesecaa8419 he did not spoil anything stop liying
@@BobXmaster Your brain not work or something?
@@michaelpreller4025 lol thats what im questioning
30% spoilers, 70% Tom being baited into spoiling
0% spoiler
I feel bad because most of the times he spoiled was totally set up by the interviewer
@@emilygriffith6702 yeah but interviewer already know the answer they ask a question for but just needed a confirmation its like asking about his co-actor when you have big doubt tobey and andrew are in the movie
@@BobXmaster Bro what💀💀💀
@@mexicomapping8533 in no way home everyone knew about the villain from each older spiderman (5 in total) so it was easy to presume their spiderman will apprear too and thats tobey maguire and andrew garfield . . . its not a spoiler if you already know about something that just confirm what you already noticed
6:19 ahh my spider senses are tickling 🤣🤣🤣
"Confidential do not share"
This was the most savage moment ever 🤣😂😂😂😂
@@tseringshrestha4011 yeah 😂
Why the frell do you open something from Mark Ruffalo live when you literally said that he spoils more than you?!
Bro that was staged.
@@iksteunihattaren9877 Had to have been. But the shock in his face...
Every MCU actor has it in their contract to stop Tom from spoiling.
Except mark
Lolвидео.html watch tom holland pranking his brother 🤣🤣
Watch it again and power to make a difference
The look of absolute panic when Tom reads the "CONFIDENTIAL DO NOT SHARE" on the back of the letter is hilarious
He's a great actor isn't he?
@@r2in360 Such a good one apparently that people think something so clearly staged was real lol. The naivety is unreal in this comment section. (Not hating on the skit itself though, it was quite funny and I don't even think they intended it to be taken seriously.)
Idk I can't digest the fact that he messed up big time in that I think it's staged or scripted
@@pranjalchauhan4750 it was staged, he turned the paper upside down before he get shocked **even** though the text is already readable without turning it around.
@@crataegon7677 yeah that was kinda meme marketing, actually smart.
I love how Zendaya is actually dating Tom holland but even so knows how excited he gets about these things and tries to help him not spoiler.
The fact that someone had to shout *”SPOILER”* to get him to realize his mistake, is killing me 😂😂😂
@@Averygoodhumanyou mean jake ?!
Jake Gyllenhaal shouted that (he Plays Mysterio ) In 2 movies from Tom’s Spider man
He’s literally that type of friend that would literally go up to you and say “ill see you today at your surprise birthday party”
Literally ✨
LMAOOOO why is this sending me
More like the type of friend u are shopping with and says "Oh you probably shouldnt buy that before your birthday"
He's so innocent and adorable, he is just super excited, I'd be too...
The manipulative interviewers taking advantage of that.. Just looking for some information to sell for profit... Pathetic human beings...
At this point they're sending Benedict on so many interviews with Tom to babysit him
His reaction to the "confidential" note seriously had me crying LMAO
He was sooo upset
Ikr he was like terrifiedвидео.html watch tom holland pranking his brother 🤣🤣
@@FalloutRoblox he was... Acting
We need to get Tom and mark ruffalo in an interview together
they did one together in china
So about the ending with the dragons…
oh yeah that part and Thor kills em all!
@@Dj-pl7cyshare pink
Marvel's Anxiety If That Happens:📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈📈
They gonna talk about the whole movie lmao
Zendaya's face while Tom proceeds to give a very detailed description of a scene kills me😂😂
Then how did you type this ?
@@hayacpm6408 C'mon man, really? 😂
@@hayacpm6408 it’s an expression
@@AbhishekSanyalTGV mhm
@@calebalva7073stupid expression
Tom's Super Power:
Can predict and spoil his life
His weakness:
Can't keep anything a secret and doesn't realize it
Tom: “ I don’t think I spoiled anything really”
Also Tom: **shows literally the next upcoming movie that he’s gonna shoot**
If Tom Holland were the real spider-man, he'd accidentally take a selfie and everyone would find out in less than a day. 😂
So true 😂
Wait but that actually happened right?
Ur telling me he’s not the real spider man 🤭
@@123dididi he mean in real life not in movie
Tom walking on stage to a sea of people who haven't seen Infinity War and saying, "I'm alive!" and then being confused whether they've seen it yet is one of the funniest things I've ever seen lmao
If you ask me knowing a character is going to die, but not knowing when or how makes every scene with that character that much more interesting.
@@MsBATS yeah. It's really a thing that even Hitchcock mention someday when he talked about "scene when people just chatting while sitting behind the table that has a bomb underneath. And if you just show them talking about baseball or something like that, and then suddenly there is explosion - you got a pretty borring scene. But if you reveal to the audience that there is a bomb, then every part of dialoge suddenly become more impactfull and tence, you know that every word could be the last... And just imagine if in the end the bomb just never blow up?"
It’s so funny 😭 I mean if they really did see it then that entrance was clever. “I’m alive…oh you haven’t seen it?” 😂 he’s so adorable I can’t
I feel like it was pretty obvious that he was going to be alive since he was part of the cast of the movie.
@@MsBATS not when it comes to marvel movies lol
Benedict is just babysitting Tom Holland for him to not say any spoilers during the interview at this point
“I don’t get payed enough for that shit”
*gets payed more than the stunt double who actually did it
All the money in the world and I would not dangle upside down in a helicopter and get dunked in a lake tbh like nah
@@TheNraveles I’d pay to do it
@@ilyjothepig9314 you guys I have asthma and anxiety. my ass would die from an anxiety induced asthma attack lmaoo
@@TheNraveles helikopter helikopter
@@TheNraveles i would do it for fun
Tom’s spoiler mouth got so out of hand Marvel decided to hire Benedict Cumberback(Doctor Strange) to babysit him lol
Sir his name is benedict cumonherback thank you
@@CountArtorias ye ik, it was just the autocorrect and I didn’t realize till now
@@CountArtorias uh no, it’s Benedict Cumberbatch.
@@justlinax I think it's Benedryl Cucumberpatch
@@justlinax Benedick cucumber
"Tom H" when there is actually Tom Hiddleston too
Tom Hanks ._.
Tom Hardy
Tom Hughes
Tom Helmore
tom hooper
8:34 Look at Benedict Cumberbatch's reaction here about the "stuff" thing. HAHAHAHAHAHA
The fact that whoever tom's sitting next to is like listening carefully to make sure he doesn't give any spoilers is just so fawking hilariousвидео.html watch tom holland pranking his brother 🤣🤣
I like how Benedict seriously is the most focused at all times.
I love how he doesn’t even realise when he has spoiled something like I can’t it’s too funny 🤣
Lol you edited out 2 of the likes… like 😆
@@remo_1564 oh yeah haha I didn’t like them
@@elle23_ 😁 no worries I was just playing ✌️
He likes it too much that he can't keep it
At this point I'm convinced it's just a marketing strategy of Marvel to have him intentionally spoil certain elements to make Tom more likeable and increase hype
Still funny regardless
I know they're actors but somehow u can tell their reactions are genuine.
Also don't think the producers could act that good, can they ?
Absolutely, it's all calculated but very good PR
Tom is so lucky his mishaps and spoilers are seen as charming and lovable otherwise he would have been gone sooooooo fast
11:34 please kill me. I can’t suffer from how damn funny this is anymore
"Confidential do not share"
Tom: hey man look at this
Fun fact: The poster tom spoiled is actually a marketing strategy
@@andreasnielsen9149 well if you think about it, why would they put the poster above the confidential paper
@@the_rude_canadian1168 Maybe he opened it on the wrong side who knows. But i do agree that it seemed like a marketing strat because of his facial expression
Also, if it was a really big deal, he most likely would have gotten fired for it. Tom is literally Marvels new strat. They are pumping excitement for new movies by having Tom spoil little bits and pieces of the film. Including Endgames poster.
Chin chin I mean the little laugh at the end made it seems like he was acting, regardless marketing genius cause people legit look forward to tom’s spoilers 🤣
it's setted
The live scene felt like it was out of a family guy episode 😂
Fun fact: The second to last clip, with him opening the package from Mark Ruffalo and showing off the endgame poster, was actually a publicity stunt by marvel. They know Mark and Tom are their most spoiler-y actors, and they know that the fans know, so they did this little stunt involving the two to reveal the poster.
In that case, that’s pretty funny. And a LOT less cringe. Thanks for clearing it up
Makes sense cause why would the two biggest spoilers get to see the poster first? Lol
I thought so too
There are actually people that need this
Wait I didn’t understand can u explain to me again so they did this for what
Tom goes for an interview:
Benedict also goes with him..
Marvel:sigh of relief 😌
Doesn't always work:
@@RGC_animation 💯😆
Mark also goes
@@Lelow Marvel dies🤣
bassically no way home
It's hilarious that someone joke-tweeted that Tom Holland accidentally leaked the entire Endgame movie online, and he actually went, "wait, did I?"
i love it when he just read the entire letter
and then realizes its confidential💀💀
Marvel hired a babysitter for Tom Holland which is Benedict cumberbatch. He's literally an annoying kid. But, he really looks cute and naive when he spoil things. His reaction when he realizes he has just spoiled sth is amazing. I really wish Marvel all the luck.
Marvel needs it in the future projects....send prayers too🤣🤣
He isn't annoying-
@@ripinkhanna6075 He is not annoying in the bad way. He is a cute annoying kid who spoils everything and then keep going.
@@meerhankhalid5344 Hm, I see
he's not a kid
Tom: "I don't get paid enough for that shit."
Also Tom: earns 5 million dollars per film
NOPE...Ur Wrong...There Is a Thing Called Money Rotation....He Is Not Lying...He Knows The Value Of Things..
i think his point was he wouldn't get any more money to had done that stunt lol
@@Bro03 and u dont know the value of a good sentence
This actually made me cry he’s on live doesn’t even realise it says “CONFIDENTIAL DO NOT SHARE” and he is so clueless then he realises and his face just shows his fear but it’s so funny 😂🤣
lol he was trolling with that...that wasn't real
@@Marxtheory Please be a bit open minded and don’t take things tooo seriously, its still funny tho. It was an good ad
@@ardianpal8114 No one is being closed-minded here, it was just fake
This was very obviously staged
@@ferios2 sorry I thought it was real know Tom lol 😂
I swear Benedict seems to suffer so hard thru these interviews because he has to focus non stop😂
Considering a big part of Spider-Man's identity is "hiding big secrets" including his identity, it is absolutely HILARIOUS that Tom sucks at doing that even for some of the more trivial things lol
It's funny cause this iteration of Spider-man is NOT good at keeping his secret
Well in every version of spider-man, he actually can't keep his secrets, like ever.
@@GRA5S not the main version
The main version had his make taken off infront of his friends when he first fought doctor octopu devi man.
Benedict dies inside every time he fails to keep Tom from spoiling something 😭😭😭
HIM “They are fishing for secrets” DURING THE INTERVIEW
time stamp?
@@missmimikyu 6:21
Toms actually not going to the Premier, there's gonna be a separate little red carpet to "toy story 3" 😂😂😂😂
Ik it was staged but its still funny
@@vivannet231 I don't think it was considering how much he spoils things but ok😂
@@dumbee3335 the text was inverted so people could read it
@@jonatan_1325 what text?
Benedict Cumberbatch looks so stressed every time they're in an interview together.
“I don’t get paid enough for that sh!t.” Honey, at this point you’re getting paid not to spoil anything.
I like how tom holland doesn't think he spoils anything but if he saw this video he would be surprised
Toms actually not wrong, These spoilers that he did, aren't really that big. The only one might be the "in space" one.
And that was a big one.
and maybe him dropping the title
just maybe
@@arivlal3671 and him showing the infinity war poster
@@mariia-c8u This one was obviously staged and came years after the joke about him spoiling everything came out. He genuinely spoiled one thing or two but I think people shouldn't always be too naïve either.
His reaction to the last question kinda spoiled it tho
The thing is, they aren’t really bad ones. Like just “Spider-Man ends up in a lake”
Except for the one before the audience Infinity War screening where he comes out saying, "I'm alive!" 😂
@@jewelofthenight To be fair, it could easily just be him poking fun at playing spiderman
Now if that's actually the case, prob not. But I like to think so xD
"Oh yeah Iron man dies" 😐
@@stevieausten1456 well that’s because it’s in all the trailers of far from home and endgame had already come out so he’s allowed to talk about it
Quantum realm is a big thing, and it spoil endgame AND a very important element of MCU's fifth phase
Tom: spoils
Marvel: ur lucky that ur cute....
And the fans favourite
Am I famous now?
Thats a lot of likes
So true😂
@@philippstreil8988 😂😂
if spider man gone after tony stark marbel shut down
if spider man gone after tony stark marbel shut down
So trueee