Great job!
Another great Jerry Jackson film! This one has a lot of action so brace yourself!
Great job!
Another great Jerry Jackson film! This one has a lot of action so brace yourself!
Prety Good flash Crtoon.
You shuld probably work on your flash abilateis as an flash artist How ever these flashs is the best improvment uv made so far
grpahics - 7: - I gave you 7 youyour drawng stiles and abilates are notthe best i have seen :\ i hav seen a lot tho so maybe i amjust too picky!There also not the be worset iv scene. try maibe usng some (tuts) turtorials
style -5: you know you are wactching a jerri movie becuase it hascertain qwalites
voilence: - 0 ther wasnt much of a volience in this thismovie excetp for some of the karate movs i saw in ther whihc were quite good quite an inprovmet from ur flash abiluties
interactivity - 0 ther is none of course itis a movie not a game!! ^_^
Humor ; -This series is gettn old! Um imean ive alredy seen a jerrie jasckons movie on the front page why don t you
Overall : still one of my favs i gave it a 10
~Reveiwed By THEDINNER_MAN_1997-Sonic Fans . com
This is so freakin awesome, seriously. I haven't laugh this much in a long time. These JJ cartoons are just getting better :)
Keep it up, or something :P
if u were brucce wilis
whoa ddue u wre r8 lame to brucce wilis if u had actally seen him irl or did u lie lol
but the part were u kicked the guys head off was rly cool!!!!!!1!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!!! keep it up
This is sooo crazy! I can´t stop laughing!