Albion Online Money-Making Guide - Millions in 2 Hours, No PvP!
- Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
- Welcome to another Albion Online guide! In this video, I'll show you how to make millions of silver without engaging in PvP. Whether you're a seasoned player or just starting out, this guide will walk you through the best build, survival tips for lethal zones, and efficient ways to gather and sell your loot. We'll also cover how to navigate the red zones safely, make the most of the black market, and even dip into some crafting for extra profits. Stick around to learn how to maximize your earnings in Albion Online!
00:00 - Introduction
00:52 - Optimal Build for Making Millions
02:28 - Key Tips and Basic Information
03:20 - Surviving in Black Zones: Pro Tips
05:00 - Gathering for Extra Silver
05:43 - Exploring Dungeons: What You Need to Know
06:32 - Dungeon Loot: How Much We Made
11:00 - Mounts: Which Ones to Invest In
12:11 - Navigating Red Zones Safely
13:57 - Selling in the Black Market
15:05 - Crafting for Extra Profit
16:40 - Conclusion and Final Thoughts
Build Used in This Video:
WEAPON: 5.1 BLIGHT STAFF(Q2, E1, 2nd Passive)
HELMET: MAGE COWL(D3, 1st Passive)
CHEST: MAGE ROBE(R3, 2nd Passive)
#AlbionOnline #MMORPG #AlbionGuide #SilverMaking #BlackZoneTips #AlbionOnlineBuild #AlbionMarket #AlbionCrafting #AlbionOnlinePvE #AlbionOnlineSurvival
8.3 drop was wild and accounted for nearly 100% of the profit of the video :D
Nice content.
love this content man, so chill :3 theres so little commented and chill albion content out there, most is montages or highlights with adrenaline pumping loud music backgrounds, so yours is truely a gem :D just enjoyable to watch on second monitor while at work :3
keep it up , instant sub :3
Glad you enjoy it!
Very well made video with some awesome advice. Thanks 👍
you won my instant subscription becouse u really explain step by step whit the risks and the potential realistic winnings, even what to do whit the winnings, thanks a lot maybe will still playing after all jeje TY!
Thanks for the sub! your welcome
i just started the game and this was the best guide i have seen the video was filled with new and good knowledge for thx bro
Subscribed. I sincerely appreciate the content and quality of this video. Thanks eh
Good content. Thanks so much. I knew this already but it's nice to hear someome put it into order.
If you are going to risk teir 7 dungeons. You might as well link a dungeon clearing guide for different kits.
Great point!
So probably about 80% of your earnings came from a single item (T8.3 satchel) - perfect illustration that dungeon loot is heavily rng based and a lot of your money comes from jackpots.
Typically, you can expect around 1 million worth of loot and about 500k in silver, which is still quite solid if you're just starting out as a solo player. I was definitely lucky in this run, but I encourage you to give it a shot-who knows, you might get lucky too!
@@GamingMode-t8f Where's the current sweet spot for solo random dungeons (tier and enchantment level wise)? If I wanted to go for a dedicated dungeon run I'd pop a T8 map in the portal zone, get invis, enter, wait 90 secs, then go - quite safe. With life steal food easily doable with a T4.1 druidic staff build that's dirt cheap.
But right now for money (and also fame) I'd go after ava road green chests - start from Brecilien, enter roads via unstable roads portal, do some chests, journey back to Brecilien (or if the roads lead to the royals go there) and cash out. Fast, easy money, again easily doable with a dirt cheap druidic staff build. Maybe not very safe, but low risk, high reward.
Biggest problem IMO with solo random dungeons is a complete lack of excitement. I've done so many of them (somehow I even got the 1000 dungeon mission in the journal from past steam achievements) they're just boring.
Waiting for more my friend u are the new GOAT
I can't wait for the next episode
This is great 👍 please keep this content coming.
I am glad that you like it.
Please note a few corrections in this video:
1.Silver bags cannot be looted by other players in lethal zones.
2.SBI has fixed the issues with dungeons, meaning that dungeons without butterflies no longer guarantee the presence of players inside.
Going forward, I’ll be adding extra information and highlighting any mistakes in my pinned comments to ensure you have the most accurate details. Be sure to check here for updates. Thanks for your understanding and support!
You can also spawn any tier dungeon from inside the portal town and then it basically guarantees that you can end up getting to the dungeon with invis active as it spawns the dungeon in one of the zones next to town
Great video!
Bro ur videos are so satisfying
Glad you like them!
Great video❤...keep it up🙂✌
Thank you, I will
Great content
Subbed it broo
Great video prooo
Never do dungeons it's the worst content in Albion. Don't recommended this worst content for new players
Nice video for ty!
One major point you also need to be aware of is when you enter a dungeon make sure you log out. When the countdown reaches 210 ish a message will appear about the dungeon now being sealed. This way you will be safe and not have to be paranoid about getting jumped.
dont you know the new update bruh
@@arimimusic nah
Isn't it 90 secs
@@warfreak8966 that's what I thought, hence why I said once it gets to 210 but I guess it's changing
This is Albion, win it all or lose it all
albion is sandbox mmorpg where you can do whatever you want
silver in bags is safe whether you die or not as it is a non tradable item therefore you cant loose them
Video fine.
Keep working
I did learnt a lot, thanks to you
It is better to do T8 dungeons and if your going to do them do them in high numbers buy order like 20 - 40 and take for note they have been nerfed a lot in the past so the only thing you have to be is lucky and dont do mage robe for solo dungeons ideal build if you do them is
HELMET - Mage cowl
CHEST - Mercenary jacket
BOOTS - Soldier boots
And for the boss he showed the heretic guy with the whip just use the 2nd W revitalize.
And the last thing you are wasting time to go zone from zone just pop them from portal zone it is much more efficient and when you enter the dungeon just wait 90 seconds for the dungeon to close
Thats all
nice content
Im doing small treasure chest to medium in outlands with t3 horse and t3 cursed staff, I also do tracking in in outlands only thing that can keep you safe in outlands is knowing prime times and audio cues made 2m in 40mins with that but it depends if you solo the map...the deeper the map the more quieter it is.
5.39 million in a t7 purple chest is super lucky not just pretty lucky my friend
Failed to mention that the relics r crap in the markets now. Plus, the black market to super risky often ends up as a death and loss of goods. It's lucky to get there solo.
That's true but thats how the game works, make it or lose it.
They can't loot silver bags even if you die. It's impossible to loot silver bag, you can't even trade them. And not all non-butterfly dungeons have players in it, lots of them are jıst world spawn. I guess you are new to this game.
Why don't you make videos and explain how to gain silver for new players like me and him? Then
@drweam214 putting out misinformation is bad 😂 don't get upset just fix it and do better
@@drweam214 Because I have other priorities in my life but actually you made a good point. Maybe I indeed do that 👌🏻
Yes, I've been playing Albion for just over a month, so I’m still learning and have a lot to improve on. I’m relieved to hear that silver bags can’t be looted, and I appreciate the correction. If that's the case, it's definitely a good thing. I’m also aware that SBI has recently fixed the dungeons, so that’s another area where the information in my video may be outdated. I apologize for the mistakes and will pin a comment to highlight these corrections. If you notice any other issues, please don’t hesitate to let me know. Your feedback is invaluable as I continue to grow and improve.
I have an easier way @@drweam214
Hey man i recommended you use pork omelette cause its not that expensive and the buffs are much much greater than chicken omlette
What do you think of bear paws? I kind of upgraded my axe fighter and not sure if that was the right move
Using it for clearing solo dungeons ain't the best but viable
Battleaxe is awesome but others not that much
Ngl if i have found this video 1 month ago i could have saved my 3.5m from gankers when i was just a noob
Sorry to hear about your loss-I can relate! I once lost 6 million worth of items to gankers as well. There were seven of them, so I was pretty much doomed from the start. But there are a few strategies that can help you in situations like this. For example, you can scout the road before transporting to the black market and always use an escape build. That said, even with an escape build, the odds aren't always in your favor, especially if you get purged then its game over.
I also recommend trying to use the Roads of Avalon or Statics for transporting. The less time you spend in lethal zones, the higher your chances of survival. Don’t let one or two setbacks discourage you-good luck, and stay safe out there!
you also did 6 dungeons 4thdungeon twice
I am but a simple trucker flipping rocks.
"NO PVP" ----- "so, if you are ready to take on the challenge and go to the lethal (pvp) zones.."
You had me until you said solo dungeons. I'm sorry dude but I can make far more money per hour with zero risk just farming t3-5 resources in blue zones and mists. I play for maybe 2 hours and net 200-500k depending on luck. Going into black zones solo is a fast way to make yourself rage quit and lose all your shit. To anyone that cares about their time, id advise against this method, blackzone farming especially solo is not worth the risk and money you get when compared to safe/yellow zone farming with no risk.
Yeah bro I am t5 skinning and I can make upto 500k 😅
withouth red and black zone journeys just in yellow and blue zone i get 2 millons silver minimum every day incidentally. between 10 to 12 days i earn easy silver for month premium. for me is pvp the last step in game, pvp is endgame for me.
How ?
@@stocifax2945 men, just play every day a bit this and that, like daily challange, fraction activity, gather with focus on enchanted resources, refain and sell it, farm mist camps and do here and there always a bit fishing. this is a rough owerview
U have premium active that's why u got loot.... Otherwise it's time waste to do solo dungeon..... Better do gathering n bandit events to make 1 million everyday
Even without premium, the black zone still offers a 260% loot bonus, while premium gives an additional 50%. Of course, activities like gathering and bandit events are excellent ways to make silver as well. However, gathering can take significant time to unlock high-tier tools and collect resources, especially in lethal zones. By doing solo dungeons and roaming in the black zone, beginners can overcome their fear of these dangerous areas. This strategy can help you earn some initial silver, which is crucial for progressing in the game. Hope this helps.
@@GamingMode-t8f when ypur premium ended try it without premium
butterfly on solo dungeon = dungeon opened with map
solo dungeon without butterfly = dungeon generate by the game
I couldn't beat the endboss with those exact items....
If you are struggling to kill the boss then you can use roast pork for life steal.
Didnt they patch the butterfly thing for solo dungeons?
Sorry bro you didn’t cook with this one 😭
I make more in the yellow zone faction flagged. Solo dungeons are ass and the price of maps makes it even worse to do. The going out to blackzone doing solo dung isnt new player friendly either they wont have the spec to rock lower cheap gear to beat bosses 😅
Just do what Benji says brothers hes methods is safe easy and more reliable
imagine give tutor with premi with it and we need aprof fro no premi profits
ok brother I will make a non premi version
You could faction flag for more profit aswell
not in bz
Wasting time. I have been to 9 dungeons total (T7 - T8.1) very bad money from bags (about cca 10k silver everytime). And I only dropped 2 items worth about 15,000 in the entire game.
how to die 101, go for any ressource tier 7 and above with your t4 gathertools, lmao
No shot youre saying blight staff has mobility
Premium🙁 i don't have premium
Continue in anther one
Move your logo location ffs.
Lol Swolebenjis video complete obliterate yours🤣🤣🤣
bro thinks solo dungeons are profitable, lmao
Or just play hce 1m/food
Dungeons are ass