New Helmet | Satisfactory Animation
- Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
- This Video was made to celebrate the 1.0 release for the video game satisfactory by @CoffeeStainStudios. I really enjoyed playing the game and making this animation.
Congratulations on wining the PC Game of the Year for Golden Joystick Awards 2024, and Merry Christmas everyone!
If you want the control room scenes as a wallpaper, then you can find it on wallpaper engine:
Couldn't have rendered this without the Sheepit community render farm:
Song composers: Ghostwood Empire
Lo - • Lo
Wallpaper Credits:
#satisfactory #satisfactorygame #blender3d #blenderanimation #becky #gamecommunity #gamecharacters #animation #satisfactoryvideos #train #satisfactory #blender #fananimation #imadethis Кино
Thank you all for a 1000 likes!!
I uploaded the control rooms scenes on wallpaper engine for those who wanted it.
Wallpaper engine link:
Your animations are incredible, great work!
Appreciate it man!
Kibitz?! Well I didn't expected to see you here.
Also holy shit what an absolutely perfect song to animate this to
Your videos are also incredible
That is amazing. Love the train line dropping underground animation.
Thanks, really happy how it came out
@@JimmyNoStar I really like this too. I want a train entrance like this in the game)
@@Andrey_2612I second this!
third this!
@@JimmyNoStar @coffeestainstudios can we have moving objects so we can make train entrances like at @1:37?
The Cybertruck reveal got me laughing!
Beautiful work. If only we really had floor hatches for trains and trucks.
"The animator so good, he will get hired by Coffee Stain Studios"
The amount of quality gone into this is absolutely stunning
Fantastic choice of music as well
Man it really makes the world feel alive
Imagine a satisfactory world like that
Nothing I've ever built has been that pretty or alive hahahaha
Thanks man, really glad you liked it. Honestly couldn't have gotten the design done without the reddit community
There's so many cool things in this. The detail in the above-shot of that facility, the different uniquely decorated rooms near the end with that incredible portal concept and the one quantum encoder animation playing on one of the other machines, the whole train sequence, all the different pioneers moving around and making the place feel so alive, the faithfully placed in-game animations, the way the whole place seems to have been built with it being possible in-game in mind (or, perhaps just built in-game outright to get the layout down) - so much effort and love has clearly gone into this.
Thank you! Really glad ppl picked up on the attention to detail (and the encoder animation). I tried my best to make the place feel lived in, and the reddit community really helped figure out the design of the 'facility'.
The teleporter concept is absolutely perfect. I wish the game engine supported that.
Teleportaion is in base game as part of Tier 9. But the way autor showed is of course perfect :)
@@marekolszanski2314 i think it's a joke cause it's quite buggy
I can't stop watching this video. It just exudes melancholy and nostalgia for this game! The animation is incredible, the music is perfect, the vibes are just...🤌
I need that doggo helmet in the game... like yesterday lol.
The views from Satisfactory with this music touched my heart! Awsome work! 🥹♥️💔
I have no idea how you don't have more followers, I've recommended you to all my satisfactory friends, your stuff is amazing!
Thanks man! Appreciate the help!
This is actually amazing, idk which is best, the builds or the animations !!
This is nothing but gasoline, love it so much!
This makes me want to start another save. Amazing job.
this train entrance is soo nice. i want this, NOW :3 really cool video
This is absolutely satisfactory. I respect your perseverance and admire your talent. You're gonna go places!
Thanks hey. I really appreciate it man
Coffee Stain needs to hire you :D
That is so incredibly good ❤
It would be cool to see how you create these animations
fricken phenomenal dude
Thanks man
Absolutely beautiful. I wish even one square meter of my saved looked this nice. I imagine even CSS might feel inspired by your designs. And the music fits perfectly, right down to the lyrics. Live, laugh, consume, harmonize!
Thanks, I'm glad you liked the music choice hey. I listened to it at least a hundred times while making this and it still sounds amazing
The details are crazy. great work!
That was really cool! I loved it.
Holy crap dude, these are getting epic, that must have taken ages....
Thanks man, it wasn't even supposed to be this long. just kept getting new ideas while work on it.
What a Banger, Lets Go Play Satisfactory Pioneer !
Man, these always blow me away!! SUCH AMAZING WORK!!
Thanks man, Genuinely I'm happy to hear that!
Impressive. Great cinematography and detail. I find myself captivated by the production quality but also inspired by some of the designs. Extremely well done!
Thanks! Glad you liked the details and the design. I tried my best on this
this needs more views!
1:12 *sigh* If only the vehicles worked like that ingame 😢
It's beautiful... it's amazing...
Glad you liked it!
if anyone deserves more subs and views, it's you. The animation is soo good, I was not expecting something with only 5.5k views and a channel with less than 1k subs producing something so well done!
Thank you man, I'm honsetly it pops off around new years or when ppl get back from holiday
Looks so good!
This gives me all the feels. This video, the work you must have put in to even plan the set pieces, I feel so inspired and I'm so impressed. Please do as many of these as your free time allows. Thank you.
Thank you, it means a lot to hear you're inspired. I'll try my best!
Блин! Это невероятно красиво! Поезд под землю! Комнаты управления! Порталы! Вау! Очень понравилась концепция большого количества работников! Браво!❤
Amazing stuff. So impressed! 💪🏼
Thanks for the support!
This was a pleasure to watch, thank you.
Your welcome, and thank you!
I love it, thank you!
I'm glad!
This is absolutely amazing!
I do not regret watching this, great job
Thanks man, hoping it becomes my best preforming video
@JimmyNoStar I bet it will!
Thanks, I'm glad you like it!
Just found out that this video also works well with the music from the 1.1 teaser video
Love the cybertruck addition good meme
Amazing work. GG
Thanks 😁
Oh my god.
That animation was amazing, great job! 👍
Appreciate it! 😊
You need to make wallpapers for Wallpaper Engine or something like that, Love the Animation
Just found them👍
If you want, i can turn the rooms at the end into a looping wallpaper on wallpaper engine? I think I someone else was asking for that.
@@JimmyNoStar Yes please
@@JimmyNoStar OH YES PLEASE !
I uploaded it to wallpaper engine. Here's the link:
Absolutely wonderful!
Thanks man!
Holly shit this is cool!
que hermoso video lol épico esta bueno
So realistic, truly enjoyed it bro 🔥😍
Thank you so much 😀
Really good job !
Thanks a lot!
Было бы здорово увидеть часть комнат из этого видео в виде заставок для wallpaper engine!😊
I'll try and make one!👌
@@JimmyNoStar many thanks
I uploaded the rooms onto wallpaper engine. Here's the link:
@@JimmyNoStar Огромное Спасибо! Уже качаю! 😀Жду твоих новых работ!☺
Wow! Amazing work!
Thanks a lot!
Great work, as always.
Thank you, glad you liked it!
This is excellent, nice job. Merry Christmas to you too!😎
We need an extended version of the song
I kinda hoped that the Lizard Doggo Helmet from the start is ingame.. :/
But this Animation is Incredible!
This is an awesome video you really went the extra kilometer
Thanks! Really glad you liked it.
Thats render and in-game?? Amazing jog dude!
It's all blender! 😁
Tho, I did use in-game screenshots for the backgrounds in the hallway shots
How do you even do stuff like that... Outstanding work!
Thanks! I scrapped the game assets from the game files and made the scene in blender.
I have no words. Amazing work! 👏 And the music selection... I watched it several times. I almost cried with emotion and I don't know why 😂. Really amazing. Happy New Year! 🎉🍾
They should really add in the option to make your character look male if you want
Maybe in 1.1?
@JimmyNoStar that would be awesome.
Отличное видео, шикарная работа
What mods are you running? Looks great. ❤ merry chrismas.
Merry Christmas to you too. No mods. All done in blender
@JimmyNoStar the sunken floor is all done in blender? That would be a great mod to have.
yea, it would be nice to have mods with train/drone entrances like this. not really good at animating yet, so when I finished animating it, I felt particularly proud of myself
Two things. One, how are you using Lumen without it sparkling and bubbling all over the texture? Yours looks so smooth and clean. Also, what method do you use for making REALLY LARGE curved areas?
It's not ingame footage, sry😅
All of this was done on blender
Gotta get this mans to 1000 subs!
I reached 500 sub!!!!
@@JimmyNoStar Das ma boii
Thank you good sir
1:43 This does not work or is there some mod?
This isn't in-game, it's all in blender but using the game assests
POV; Satisfactory movie trailer
Top tier game
deserves the PC game of the year award
@JimmyNoStar I agree, it should have at least won some awards
How did you get the assets from the game?? Did you use FModel or any other tools?
Yea, I used Fmodel. Yu can check out the documentation Coffee stain made on how to set it up
@JimmyNoStar thanks I was reading them rn lmao. But how do you import the map? Or was it made inside of blender?
@Aseronni made it in blender, you can't get the map for some reason
@JimmyNoStar Dang. That's gonna be hard to do. :(
@@JimmyNoStar Again Thank you so much! I got the models! just the pioneer leg texture was a bit broken due to UDMI but thank you!
so the new helmet WONT take you to the USG ISHIMUR
This is a great video, but just curious, when that train track popped out of the ground, is that real?
Thanks, if you mean by ingame, then nope. It was all made in blender
my friend send me this i thought it was real gameplay
Мир Сатисфактори прекрасен. Но...мне одному хочется посмотреть на лица девочек из игры, без шлёмов?
wait a minute ! nobody talk to gate for the train on the ground ?? how ??
Nobody talk to gate. Gate senses train coming a mile away and opens up.
@@Edward256 that's not the problem, it's mainly how to do it if it's possible??
@@leurste Simple! You place 6 cubes, stretch them and squish them a bit, apply texture, then you add a keyframe to initialize their starting position, then you move the timeline slider, move them, add another keyframe, then move the timeline slider again, rotate and move some, add another keyframe, rotate and move some more, add another keyframe...
Then you select the buried track piece and move it up, add another keyframe, then you select the train and move it into the hole, another keyframe. ;D
Basically yea 😅, just added bounce to some and offset them a bit. genuinely surprised how good it came out. still learning animation..
@@JimmyNoStar A never ending learning process. ;)
Sous côté en français! (Underated video)
Sharing to some friend because you should have x1000 more views
Thanks man, need all the help I can get!
An absolute beaast of an animator you are
*Not Actual Gameplay Footage*
...for average players.
here from Kibitz. holy shit